Surfing and losses
To Nicolos of Kor Volcas:
Its with regret that I write this. I have failed utterly and have put good people into bondage and likely caused the deaths of many, if not all, our companions. I’m sending this from some room in an estate in Dion near to Olympus. I know not how I got here. The last memory I have was swimming ashore with a few of the Athenian hoplites and Niobe. Our keel boat smashed by the roiling waves and currents as Poseidon and Oceanus struggle further to sea.
As I wrote in the last letter, we were within half a day of making landfall near Dion, the port closest to Olympus proper. Oceanus boiled up out of the ocean and the giant king’s vessel appeared out of the storm haze to our aft. Suspecting that Oceanus had significant control over currents, weather, and other elements at sea, I ordered the sails reefed and the oars deployed. I cut the wheel over and made a run for the shore. The opposing ship is close enough that any currents or harmful wind will affect us both, hopefully tireless oars will let us pull away if slowly. We successfully open the distance, taking advantage of the onshore wind and oars. Oceanus draws several watery creatures from the depths, and they flow upon the deck. Alexandra immediately summons a mote of purple arcane energy to assault one of the watery creatures, its left reeling from the contact. The two undazed elementals attack Erix and Silenos with limited success. Oceanus bellows in rage and surges after us, enraged by our attempt to escape. He attacks the Dadylus with great jets of water, but our reinforced hull stands up well to the onslaught. Several hoplites get one of the keel boats free and get arcane storm wounded crew into the boat. Several hoplites lay into one of the watery elementals, with limited success. Lady Thalia invokes some sort of banishment and two of the elements vanish as if never there. She also fortifies herself with a draught of well being after the stormy assault.
Niobe moves to mid deck and makes some preparations for possible combat. Kyros also amid deck moves to the rail to see if he can spot the banished elementals. Silenos summons his healing spirits amid deck to save downed crew. He attempts to help me by getting a handle on the currents, but Oceanus has made that near if not impossible. The giant king, Apolyon, screams from the prow of his ship entreating his men to get closer. His vessel comes after us, but ultimately isn’t as quick and the gap opens somewhat. Ouroboros moves to mid decks and rallies the remaining crew of soldiers, his cadre of crew gather close to help repair or fight the Dadylus as needed. I’m focused on driving us ahead of Oceanus and Apolyon and opening the gap as much as I can. We pick up more speed and the gap open slightly. Another elemental surges back onto the deck, it might be the one that Alexandra had stunned before, a roiling human sized blob of water, looks like every other to me. Oceanus vents his rage raising a massive wall of water ahead of us, this wave is massive and frightening. The wall of water is at least 200 feet in height and extends well beyond our ability to maneuver around.
Thalia assists encouraging the few remaining crew to do what they can. The injured crew moves away from the Dadylus in one of the keel boats. Hopefully they will be able to avoid Oceanus’s wave. Niobe summons a golden orb and launches it at the watery creature, it is visibly injured and suffused with light making it a clearer target. This apparently helps Kyros, as he stabs it shortly thereafter. Silenos on the aft castle, sets and arrow alight and takes aim at Apolyon’s sails. His arrow hits home and sets the sails to smouldering, hopefully they’ll catch fire. Silenos’s companion sinks its teeth into the elemental, having some effect. Apolyon’s vessel fires the facing ballista at us, some hit some miss. While we are hit the hull stands up well. Ouroboros grabs the elemental and drags it to midships, while pummeling it in the face.
I’d heard that the Dadylus could ‘dive’. I try the same process used to start, stop the oars, to no avail. The wall of water looms closer, the only thing I can think to do is to try and slew the Dadylus and use the face of the massive wave to drive us at Apolyon’s ship. They shouldn’t expect that, perhaps we can gain some advantage. Alexandra wisely heads below deck. Oceanus surges forward but seemed confused by our maneuvering. He laughs in rage at our folly. Ouroboros and crew do some short-term mending to the hull, buttoning us up as best they can. Thalia summons some emboldening energies which dance briefly around Ouroboros, Kyros, Erix and herself. Niobe finds a place to hold on mid ships. Silenos flies and latches on high to one of the centrals masts. Apolyon’s ship drives closer, also apparently confused by what I’ve got in mind. Ouroboros, grasps on to the central rail.
The Dadylus is a lovely ship and can handle what I’m asking of it; we slide up the on-rushing wall of water as I let the bow dip and the oars help us complete the turn bringing us into line with Apolyon’s vessel and with the wave acting as a boon to our propulsion. Alexandra peers up from below decks at all of the rapid rolling movement, and again wisely drops back below deck and holds tight. Oceanus is mightily confused and reacts by assaulting us with jets of water again. Striding out of the wave comes a welcome sight. Poseidon himself has arrived and counters the jets of water before hurling his trident. Oceanus attention is pulled quickly toward the god of the oceans. The hoplites all find places to hold on and prepare. Thalia moves to the command deck to get a better vantage point. Niobe moves up to the forecastle, takes aim at Apolyon and wings the giant with an arrow further enraging the king of the giants. Kyros makes his was to Ouroboros and braces. Silenos also lets loose at Apolyon, but misses. Given the distance and the rapid change in our position, its not a wonder. Ouroboros moves to the forecastle, standing and staring at Apolyon.
I take aim with our ram to midships on Apolyon’s vessel, with our speed this should even up some of the footing or so I hope. Alexandra emerges from below deck and comes to the forecastle. She summons a seed of fire which streaks across the space and bursts amongst the sails, lighting them afire and scorching a couple of the giants on board. Its here I have this vague feeling of something happening, its like I can recall a dream where it happened, but clearly it didn’t. I feel like the serpent of the oceans wound around Oceanus, surged forward striking at Ouroboros and dragging him from the deck. But moments later Ouroboros is still standing on the forecastle turning slowly to face Apolyon. I also feel like there was a tussle between Kyros, Niobe, and a few of the hoplites, as Kyros attempted to follow Ouroboros into the sea. A couple of the hoplites did seemingly get flung by Kyros off the forecastle to midships. I don’t trust my recollections of events, too focused on getting us on the right line.
Silenos looses again from the aft castle, striking Apolyon twice. This causes Apolyon to lose his stuff, as he can be seen and heard railing against the sea, Oceanus and even Kronos. Not sure what he’s saying, but it is certainly filled with venom and passion. At the last moment Apolyon’s ballistas fire, ruining our sails completely, but that won’t matter in a moment. We strike Apolyon’s ship aft of their forecastle. We didn’t entirely sever their vessel, but it was a near thing. Both ships are lodged quite firmly together in a single mass. The hoplites make ready for boarders as this becomes a different kind of fight.
I move from the command deck to mid ships and lob the largest of the goat statues onto the forecastle. I shout for Kyros and Erix to make use of the horns. Hopefully someone will get on and the terror the beast inspires will help keep the deck clear. Apolyon does some shouting of his own, I don’t follow any of it, but a hot moment later he lands with a thud on our mid deck after stabbing at some of the hoplites on the fore castle. He also summons some sort of Spartan specter to the midships near to Silenos. Kyros hurls his spear, striking Apolyon before pulling the left horn of the goat, revealing a long slightly curved horn blade. He then leaps at Apolyon who brushes him aside with an armored shoulder. Thalia causes an orb of purple static to appear near the front of the giant vessel, encompassing two of the greater giants there. One seems shaken and dazed, both seem somewhat injured by the assault. Niobe is significantly pragmatic, she shoots and kills two of the ballista crew, rendering that device in operable.
Lady Alexandra hurls that grey ray of dissolution at Apolyon’s vessel. Thalia’s sash flares for a moment and the ray is cleaved with the second being directed at Apolyon himself. Both are vessel and captain are devastated. Apolyon is enraged with Alexandra’s interference. Silenos strikes at the specter to little effect, then with a rush of wind he moves across the deck and shoots at Apolyon, striking him; but is ignored. The hoplites a mid-deck reform and strike as a phalanx at Apolyon. They hit the giant king, but are too mostly ignored. Erix jumps astride the goat on the foredeck, commanding the hoplites there as they brace to repel borders. Each hurl their spears and make ready with the seconds. The giants find the welcome unappealing. One of the leading giants is struck by terror and moves back allowing his fellow to advance, the goat seems to be working. The hoplites stab out at the approaching giants but are soon wrapped in weighted nets. Apolyon takes a swinging back hand to Alexandra, pitching her over the side and into the water, where she is sucked below in the swirling currents.
I dash with winged feet over the side, and transport Alex back to mid deck, before diving headlong into the rent in Apolyon’s ship. I’ve got to see what I can do about the command crew which is trying to direct the ballista. I find myself standing amongst slave rowers and one whip wielding slave master. I lose track of much of what goes on. Not long after I enter the ship, I can hear another splash into the water of someone being tossed or falling into the sea. The creaking and splintering of wood is all around me, so I can’t make out many details. A few moments later, the hatches to the deck open and two of the command crew come to investigate. One is a large man with a massive club, the other a lean dark skinned person. I’ve heard Alexandra and you describe the drow, this must be one of those people. The bald man says something taunting, I reply in kind. In the next moment I lash out kicking over a nearby lantern with candle, creating a dark space in the middle of the ship as the flame gutters out. I leap over some stored barrels and crates, rolling forward to sink my blade take deeply into the bald man. He’s forced to take a knee in pain. I might have been a little premature in taunting him however.
In a moment he was up again swinging his massive club which connects repeatedly. I’m dazed and somewhat confused. His Drow companion steps sideways and fires some small miniature ballista at me. The small dart lodges in my shoulder and for a moment the world spins and I fall to the floor. I’m able to shake off the worst of the effects, though I still feel dazed and sluggish. With regrets I subtly invoke invisibility and my father’s gift to transport myself out of the hold and into the air amongst the sails as the hatches were left open. Its not long before both folks clamber back on deck, staring up into the masts, I quietly extract myself and rush away from the ship, still feeling what ever was on that dark coursing in my blood.
As I said I’m not sure what happened while I was below decks on Apolyon’s ship. But what I see now horrifies me. Our second keelboat is in the water and the hoplites are pulling Niobe in while pushing away with the oars. Three giants stand on the deck of the Dadylus with Silenos being the only companion I can still see. While I’m still taking this in, I see one of the giants, hands outstretched and cupped like a child with an insect, lose those hands to an unbelievably large shark breaching the water and severing them mid forearm in one clean bite. Silenos fires twice at Apolyon as he strides back to his vessel. He’s struck twice to the face, falling to his deck. Slaves run to help as giants return with a net full of hoplites turned slaves. Two giants remain on the Dadylus, swinging at Silenos, but failing to connect. I try and move Silenos to the keel boat, only Perseus is moved. Silenos remains on the ship. Enough of the slaves manage to get Apolyon’s feet underhim, and man one of the ballistae. They fire at Silenos, barely missing. That’s enough for Silenos and he dives into the sea vanishing into the waters. I dash forward to try and snag the once again figure sized goat. One giant takes pity on the one missing his hands and cleaves his skull with one massive axe blow. The other makes ready to do similar to me but is stopped by Apolyon who lets me take my toy and leave. I grab the figurine and head to the keel boat. The Dadylus lost. Our companions lost. I strive to guide the keel through these god and titan tossed waves and currents. But honestly, it’s a nearly lost cause. I get us close to shore before we are finally broken. I clearly recall seeing several of us pull ourselves onto the shore, panting, bloodied and collapsing in the sand.
Now it is morning, and I find myself in a small well-appointed room. The worst of my own injuries have been bandaged. There is a note on a near by table, requesting me to see out the lord of Dion. I’ll have to take an assessment of myself and equipment before I undertake any such effort. I know I had to get this out to you, so someone knows of our fate and the folly of my choices which killed so many. There will be vengeance if I can manage it. But I fear it won’t be swift. I’ll write again once I’ve taken stock. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my failings this day.
With remorse,
Stormy Weather
To the good smith Nicolos of Kor Volcas:
Our journey continues without significant delay. We’re making our way generally north along the Grecian coast on the way to Olympus. Between captain duties and studying with Gallus I fear I am missing much with the other companions. I see Thalia in conversation with Leonis who’s returned from wherever he got up to. I get the impression that good gentleman is worse for wear on his travels. His demeanor seems strained, but I don’t know him well; perhaps he is always thus. Not long after Ouroboros joins them. The discussion becomes more animated, I heard mention of Atlas and Kronos, but little details come to me as I’m busy and also trying to be respectful of our companions. Eventually Leonis and Thalia retire from the mess, I suspect they’re headed back to her cabin for some respite.
Strangely there isn’t much seen of Lady Alexandra. She seems to be keeping more and more to her cabin. I hope all is well, but I fear I am missing something critical. I don’t have your gift with people. On the fifth day of our voyage, we were treated to be a bit of high drama. As I wrote earlier, Ouroboros is investing heavily in training Kyros. To that end he arranged a spar between him and Lady Thalia. In moments it became clear that Thalia worked some sort of enchantment on the Spartan. Kyros isn’t the most subtle of men, his over acting to make Thalia look good was very dramatic. I don’t think Kyros learned much from the spar itself. At the noon meal, several of us discussed things with Kyros. Thalia noted that we companions travel as a group, which gives us strength. Ouroboros came back to the Spartan values noting that mental strength and fortitude were as important as the physical. I offer some more prosaic suggestions about being more offensive. Pointing out the seeming physical differences from Kyros to Thalia, yet Thalia was passing eager for a fight. Kyros approached things with trepidation where something more aggressive might have served him better. Both Thalia and Ouroboros suggested more specific tactics, like blinding and silencing. Kyros seemed grateful, but overwhelmed with information. The weather gets rougher toward sunset, meaning tomorrow might be a rough one.
The weather doesn’t improve over night and we are beset by another storm on our journey. These are more chaotic than anything I’m used to seeing. I think the confrontation between Oceanus and Poseidon must be heating up. Silenos is doing his best to pick a course for us, but we end up losing about 4 hours in bad currents, and fighting rip tides. Eventually we end up back on track, I think Ouroboros must have said something to Silenos, he seemed surer of things later in the day. Silenos is lending his herbal lore to that of Gallus, the surgeon. They are hopeful they can turn some of the Hydra essence into ampules of healing. I spied Alexandra briefly this morning, she was chatting with Niobe in the mess. Not sure what they discussed, but both were gone by the time I was able to come back. Some time later Niobe is walking by with Lady Thalia and mentions loudly enough for me to overhear about some problems with Alexandra. Seems her psyche is injured. Sadly, I’m not an expert at that sort of thing. The best I can do is suggest finding her something to do, to keep her mental and physical hands busy. I thought training Niobe and Kyros in how magicians operate might provide something useful, especially if we encounter Circe again. I’ve opted to leave this in Thalia’s hands. She has more skills with people than I do and a longer and I suspect more intimate relationship with Alexandra.
Later I see Thalia and Silenos coming out from the shrine on the aft castle. The weather has stopped getting worse. Its not improving, but at least its not getting worse. Perhaps they took the opportunity to make an offering or prayer to Poseidon. Day seven of the voyage still doesn’t see a clearing of the weather, but at least its not getting progressively worse. Silenos does an amazing job keeping us on course, despite the shifting winds and currents. No easy feat that given the chaos we’re feeling at sea. Only thing of note was a minor incident with the crew. Seems we had a bit of a lover’s triangle and it got vocal enough that I had to get involved. Seems a crewman named Merron was involved with both Azis and Peos. This lead to a lot of tension between Peos and Azis. I approached the three, and took Merron to grip by the throat with my claws slightly extended. I suggested that Peos and Azis decide, or I’d resolve the problem myself. Quickly everyone was quite chagrined and decided to get their behavior pulled together. Interestingly enough I saw a put out Merron later while Peos and Azis seemed quite friendly.
I see Alexandra talking briefly with Leonis and Silenos. Not sure about what, but I hope they are finding a way to help Alexandra. Silenos disappears for a good hunk of the day. I get Theos to pitch in to help guide us, but most of the courses are already set. Thalia is very much engaged with the crew with Erix not far from her. She pauses during Niobe’s workout and they speak for a time. Its not long before we have a second exhibition between the ladies. Niobe does a much better job then Kyros. She’s able to strike and dance away giving Thalia a bit of a trial. It’s not long before Thalia’s fingers engage some mystic symbols and Niobe lifts into the air, caught in Thalia’s arcane grasp. More quiet discussion happens as Thalia flies up and gently bring Niobe back to the deck in her arms. Thalia moves on, Niobe seems frustrated, and more devoted to breaking things. Ouroboros and the mates all will have some repairs to make once she’s done.
Day eight is worse as we get closer to Olympus. I’m able to steer us fine, but the winds and currents are a labor. We lose as much time as we make headway. I think we must have spent half the day chasing our tails, but at least we didn’t encounter anything else. Apart from being soaked, there’s nothing much to report. Day nine is still a stormy morass, but Silenos and I have a handle mostly on how to get us through it. We hopefully should be in sight of Olympus tomorrow around mid-day. It will be a relief to get into a harbor and get a bit of respite from the angry sea.
Day ten dawns with Leonis announcing he needs to go for a time. I see Thalia and Leonis talk before he goes, and I see Leonis share a brief talk with Silenos as well. Not sure what passes between them all, but not long after Leonis is just gone. Ouroboros and his mates are spending some time tending to the hull and the repairs are completed, none too soon as it would turn out. Nearing mid-day, the storm wickedly intensifies. A deafening stroke of thunder is accompanied by acidic rain and bolts of lightning striking the ship. No one on deck is unaffected. I start directing the ship out of the path of this chaos, when hail starts to fall about us, some of the ice stones are as big as the largest olive. Several of the crew are felled with strikes to the head. I manage to pull us out of the storm only to find we’ve fallen out of the pan and into the fire.
Looming out of the stormy darkness are two massive shadows. One is the form of Oceanus, billowing water and shifting winds. The other is a Grecian form trireme, but writ large; as large or larger than our own ship. Its captained by a mountain of a Goliath with giant followers and enslaved crew. This captain is able to shout from his position at the bow of his ship. We can easily hear him shout, “Demithots, what a stupid name for people who are about to be dead. Face the king of the giants, Apolyon.” With that he triples in size to something gigantic, his spear bursting into flame. Three jets of water rise and fall on the deck, each forming some sort of creature of living water. Then a voice of low menace, booming with all of roar of a stormy sea, breaks upon us. Oceanus speaks “Titan slayers, did you think there wouldn’t be payment?”
I’m not sure what we’re going to do, but I need to get this missive out before we do whatever it is we do. If we survive this, I’ll write again. Wish us luck, we’re going to need it, I fear.
The open ocean
Hail and well met Nicolos of Kor Volcas,
Barring something usual we’ll be leaving Sparta by ship today. We have a few last minute to do items, like laying in provisions and stores, but that’s being largely handled by Theos. The ladies are hold up in Alexandra’s room after they spent a couple of minutes in the galley looking over Thalia’s new dagger. I wasn’t paying close attention, but I did pick up something about Leonis. Hopefully they will get some word or news soon. I know his situation worries them both.
Silenos got the rough job this morning waking Ouroboros. He seemed a bit worse for wear after that accursed axe of Ares went missing. As anticipated our gigantic friend seemed better having slept off the worst of his symptoms. Both ate a significant meal. As the ladies returned to the mess from Alex’s sanctum, my father stopped by for a visit. This wasn’t good for the breakfast dishes, but at least Ouroboros made an excellent shield. As anticipated, we’ve been invited to Olympus after we all finished with our various labors. It was implied that going soonest would be best. To that end we all went back to the captain’s cabin where we looked over the charts we have amassed. It appears that the closest town is a placed called Dion. We’ll have to sail several days north along the coast to get there.
Thalia relates her story with the two Spartan kings and the queen. She was exceptionally moved by the events. Happy for what she could do to foster a new budding relationship with one of the hetaria. She was sad by what she had to do to the younger king but was assured it was required to mend the wall between the queen and the frigid king. There was a tense encounter as Thalia was leaving between her and the queen. While it wasn’t cordial, there was some begrudged respect. I hope whatever Thalia’s mistress has in mind works out well for them. Between you and I, I think sometimes these relationship woes of humanity are troublesome. I’m not sure what it is like for your people, but it seems much easier amongst mine. If you like someone you stay; if you must go, you go. If you feel affection for someone you express it; if you feel anger, well that’s what the claws are for. I feel like I’m twice blessed, once from my father and a second time by my mother and her patroness. It is much easier being a cat.
After the shared tale we got to assigning duties. Ouroboros did a masterful job taking charge of that. It was as to be expected, largely along the lines of our own proclivities and experience. I’m taking on the role of captain as the most seasoned mariner. Thalia will be the first mate, when she’s ready. She needs a little break after the efforts with the kings and the loss of Gecky. Ouroboros will be acting as the boatswain (bosun). He’ll serve nicely as a master of the decks. Silenos has agreed to serve as our quartermaster which is mostly about the navigation efforts. Theos will be acting as Thalia’s stand-in and will then adopt other duties as needed. We’re still lacking a cook and a surgeon. Thalia, Alexandra, and Ouroboros agree to go searching for those parties, while the rest of us prepare to make way.
A few hours later a plain looking fellow arrives and introduces himself as Gallus. He’s been hired on as our surgeon, I ask Theos to give him the tour and get him settled. Shortly there after all three companions return letting us know they’ve hired a cook, but she won’t be ready until the morning. Seems we’ll have a bit of time, so need to rush to make the evening tide. A little bit later I notice that Thalia has some new cloths. Given the quality, I suspect they might be the gift we all got from our patrons. I didn’t ask, as that’s a personal thing. Ouroboros takes advantage of the extra time to see his friend Kyros before we leave. The night in port passes quietly and with the dawn we are joined by Thelma our new young cook. You’d like her I think, she’s very personable and talkative. She’s generally excited about everything and looking forward to adventure. I think she’s found a good crew to join for that. Surprisingly we’re also joined by a Spartan waiting with kit, shield and spear at the end of the dock. Seems Kyros will also be joining our crew. Going to be interesting with the Athenians and Niobe aboard, but I suppose that’s what epic tales are made of. Ouroboros notices the tension, talks to the whole crew and everyone seems to recognize we’re part of a larger story than just Athens vs Sparta or Amazons vs Sparta. A sense of acceptance is had.
We make a little less than about 100 miles a day, so this voyage is going to be 9 or 10 days of straight sailing, provided we don’t encounter too many delays. I’ve got my hands mostly full with captain duties, meaning I fill in where I’m needed, steer the ship, and keep us on course. The Daddylus is a fine ship but takes some tending to sail properly. I’m busy enough that I lose track of some of the details going on with the other companions. Doubly so since the weather hasn’t been great and seems to be worsening. I see Thalia talking for a time with Niobe, and then with Thelma. It was sometime after mid-day that Ouroboros and I notice that some of the deck hands, and most of the hoplites are missing from the deck, which is unusual. I ask Ouroboros to peek and see if he can find out what’s going on. Down below he finds the missing folks all surrounding Niobi and Kyros who are having a go at one another. No weapons in evidence, just fists, feet, elbows, and knees. Niobi seems to be doing better of the pair, knocking Kyros about. Ouroboros breaks up the fight, scattering people back to other duties. During the course of the day I find myself having the same discussion about propriety, team work, and behavior. Thelma does a magnificent job as cook to sooth over the rancor and the entire crew seems better for it.
Out third day at sea dawns much nicer as we’re on the other side of the storm and things are much more placid. The sun comes out and has drawn Alexandra up from her sequester to the deck. Most of the day is quiet, around sunset, I see Thalia has put together a nice repast for Alexandra with Thelma’s help. Not sure what they discuss as they are up toward the front of the ship, but they seem to be having a nice time. While that is going on, I notice that there is some drag at the wheel, and we seem to be speeding forward despite the wind’s gentle tug. Our lookout above reports down that he spies a massive whirlpool. If you’ve never seen one, imagine a bucket with a cork in the bottom, stopping up a hole. Fill the bucket with water and then pull out the cork. In a couple of minutes, you’ll see the water start to swirl around and be sucked out the bottom. Ahead of us is such a thing, but over 100 feet in diameter. Thankfully we spied this in advance so we could make adjustments. I call for all hands to the deck, while Theos tries to direct the crew to task. He’s a bit less than successful. Ouroboros however, can get the deck crew going and we start to turn tangent to the pull. The mix of order and directions doesn’t help the crew much leading to failures and delays. Thankfully Silenos is able to get a good look at the line we’re on and we were able to nudge the Daddylus to safety. We make the map, so we know to avoid this spot for future travels.
Our fourth day at sea marks the return of Thalia as first mate. Theos gladly starts serving as a second mate, helping out across the deck to fill in where people are having problems. After yesterday’s incident Silenos is being extra aware of any additional titanic hijinks but doesn’t see any during the morning half of the sail. The crew is on edge between the whirlpool and the brawl, but Thalia is able to pass amongst them, becalming them each in turn, leaving them in better shape after. Around mid day I see Thalia, Alexandra, and Silenos talking up on the forecastle of the ship. Some sort of pale half globe surrounding them. They all appear a little fuzzy though the arcane haze. I hate to say it I’m distracted by that when the first of the massive serpent heads appears from out of the water. However, its not long before it becomes all too obvious as the massive creature pulls itself up from the sea and onto the deck; all five heads hissing and snapping. One of the crew is bitten badly and tossed aside into the ocean as the creature makes deck fall. Ouroboros who is on the aft castle, takes a running leap and bounds down only to spring again with that massive club forge mistress Ina made. I’m not sure if it was the club or just Ouroboros’s natural puissance, but he knocks one of the heads cold and it limply dangles from the body. Those red runes on his body flare, and for a moment those blazing shackles appear around the heads of the hydra. They sadly don’t prove much of a challenge to a creature that massive and it snaps them easily. Our Athenian hoplites form up quickly and launch a volley of spears. Not surprisingly most of them hit piecing a second head, leaving it dead as well. Its then we learn this creature’s blood is like acid, and Ouroboros is splashed with the caustic blood. The hoplites elect not to throw a second volley. Thalia does something and Silenos disappears. I must assume it’s the same enchantment she’s used on me a time or two, rendering Silenos invisible to sight. The hydra roars as the two useless heads seem to split and as the flesh trembles each form two new heads, if somewhat malformed. All of them are hissing and spitting in anger though. Multiple heads take snapping bites at Ouroboros, some missing, most landing. Ouroboros stumbles back a step and another set of greyer colored runes flash and a mist like cloud rises from his body and wraps around the heads snapping at him. Each of the heads so enwrapped seem to dip, with heavy lids as the mists take effect.
Alexandra steps closer on the forecastle, casting something. The hydra looks panicked as it seems to be reacting to something only it can see. Whatever it is, it causes the creature some very real physical and mental pain. She then ducks before the fore mast, wisely. I head across the deck and step into the thin air, catching a glimpse of the floating body of our crewman. In hopes he might be alive; I try to use some of my father’s power to deliver him to the deck. It fails, as he’s passed. I loop through the air and make a diving strike at the hydra. I draw your hero’s blade across the back of the necks of three of the heads neatly severing the spines and causing minimal splash of blood. Just as I strike, I see the blade flare as one of the other companions invoked the connection between them. Niobe shoots with her bow, pinning one of the heads to the mast. The caustic blood showers both Ouroboros and myself. Silenos unseen by all flickers in and out of sight as he loses two additional arrows pinning a second head to the mast. He then redoubles his effort shooting again finishing the beast, letting it slump to the deck.
Ouroboros climbs onto the bulk of the creature and turns to the crew. He makes an impassioned speech about the power of teamwork and how this is the greatest group of warriors he’s had the honor of knowing. Everyone is much moved, and celebrations commence. Thalia and Silenos discuss things briefly, determining what might be of value from the beast. Much of it has value in one way or another; scales, blood, teeth, even the heads. Silenos commences to gathering materials from the creature, with help from Niobe and other crew as they can. Thalia tells some interesting stories about Hercules and his encounter with a hydra. Perhaps that wasn’t the best of choices, no sooner than she finished the tale, Ouroboros with a gleam of madness in his eye, drops his massive gauntlets and plunges his fists into the main body of the beast. Immediately he’s wracked with pain, and we can all hear the quickening sizzle of flesh as the acid goes to work. For over a minute Ouroboros just stands there, fists burning, teeth grinding and eventually he falls back to the deck unconscious. Thankfully Alexandra and Gallus the surgeon are on hand to staunch the worst of the damage and drag him below for more considered care.
Silenos can pull quite a bit from the body over the course of the next few hours. He gets a sack full of scales, several vials of blood, another sack of teeth, and pounds of flesh that Thelma says she can dry to preserved rations. He’s also able to salvage three of the heads mostly intact. Several of the crew seem interested in rendering them to bone and using them as a mast adornment. I, given and where I hail from, have a slightly better idea. I consult with the memories of texts I read with my mother long ago. The knowledge of how the mummies of Egypt are prepared stir into my mind, letting me produce a more striking presentation. We eventually will end up with three heads to adorn the Daddylus.
Of course, not everything is sailing and monsters. We have each spent some time learning new tasks or taking on other challenges. Ouroboros has been working constantly with Kyros molding him into a dangerous warrior. Thalia has been spending some time in contemplation in our onboard shrine. Alexandra has been spending time in her cabin, cloistered. When I see her on deck, she seems in a worsening mood. I think that’s one reason Thalia is often in her company. I’m not sure what it is all about, wish I could help more. I’m sure your council is missed. I’ve been spending some time with the surgeon Gallus. He’s sharing his knowledge of the poisoner’s art as it relates to medicine and the body. I can hear your lament that poisoning is a foul black deed, and generally I agree. I personally worry about a future encounter with either a titan or Circe. I need to have more tools at my disposal. Silenos has been spending time with Theos getting a refined idea about how to work with the navigation tools.
As we start our fifth day, we get an unexpected visitor. Thalia spotted Leonis while in the galley. She rushed to him, and there was a warm greeting as you might expect. Not sure what all of the story was, but there were tears and clearly heart felt kisses. All in all, a good way to start a day. I’ll write more soon my friend. I hope all is well with you and that Vulcan blesses your arm and anvil.
Duel Arcana
Dearest matriarch and most magnificent of mothers,
I once again am writing from the lands of the Spartans. Since my last letter we’ve had a good many interesting things go on. Our companion Nicolos had decided to remain with the dwarves of Kor Volcas to act as an ambassador of sorts and to learn more of his father’s art whom the dwarves’ worship as Vulcan. We left Kor Volcas and returned to Sparta; along the way we had an altercation with a vengeful giant but were able to persevere. More disturbing was the fact an axe dedicated to Ares found its way into Ouroboros’s hand and it left him mad. As we approached Sparta, we could the ocean draw out and a massive wave crash into the bay. It seems as if Poseidon intervened, and the wave split sparing most of the port. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, I took the liberty of removing the aforementioned axe and sent it to Ozen, with the hopes she might be able to dispose it properly. I’m hoping once it’s truly out of his reach, Ouroboros will regain some measure of control once again.
We raced down to the port to have a look and found some death and much disarray. Several ships including our own needed immediate attention to prevent them from floundering. After a very long and busy afternoon and evening, I think we’ve managed to save all of them. The port itself on the other hand is going to need weeks of work to get back to its normal working rhythm. Exhausted, I finally settled down to grab a cat nap, and was awoken with some significant noise coming from the village surrounding the port proper. Silenos, Ouroboros, and I raced out to examine the situation. I caught a brief glimpse of a tall regal woman in diaphanous robes, mahogany hair, carrying a staff walk away from the gathering throng. She looked back with a dismissive look and vanished. Ouroboros was deep in his obsession about the axe, and I kindly directed him to the midden, where I claimed to have seen it. I don’t know if that’s where he went, but he was on his way in moments. Silenos and I canvassed a bit more and it seemed as if some folks thought the gods themselves battled in the streets wielding mighty magics; others thought it was one of the companions as we have gathered some degree of local notoriety amongst the Spartans. Seeing as we have two companions who might see themselves in arcane combat, we decided to check on both. As we were closest to our ship, Lady Alexandra was our first stop.
Silenos and I approached the door and he knocked. Lady Alexandra claimed nothing was wrong, but there was a timbre to her voice that belied that claim. With that settled, we didn’t feel the need to check in on Thalia as she was ensconced with king Eudomitus. I tried to return to sleep but found that difficult. Once again one of my companions, a member of my crew was assaulted. Unlike the last time, it was far from trivial. Anyone capable of tossing a home as if it were flotsam, as reported by some witnesses and arcanely challenge and perhaps best Alexandra is trouble. I found myself spending the rest of the small hours taking stock of my resources and knowledge, finding both lacking.
I know not what the rest got up to the following day. I went to the temple of Apollo which was nearest to the port. They showed a great willingness to share what information they had after our company’s defeat of the vampire threat. After much reading I found nothing matching the description of the woman I saw. From there the next closest temple was that of Poseidon, and as before the time spent while illuminating yielded nothing. I traveled closer to central Sparta proper and was able to find at the temple of Athena some leads. There was an old text that spoke of the lesser goddess Circe. The description seemed to match the woman I saw the night before. From that thread I followed on to the tales of Odysseus and his encounters with the sorceress. Kronos or one of the other titans must have severed her bonds to the island to which she was bound. Thankfully Odysseus’s story holds more about the sorceress, including a warding herb that he used to be safe from her ability to transform others. It also provided a bit of insight into her psyche, which might at the right time prove useful. Sadly, there was no specific weakness or critical flaw to leverage. I must admit I don’t know how best to be prepared for that future encounter.
I know you are not located far from the Library, would it be possible for you to entreat with the keepers there to see if there is any lore on battling sorcery? Perhaps your little name’s sake could serve as a conduit or courier for what knowledge they might have to share.
When I returned to the ship mostly it was quiet and well after dark. I’m not sure what the outcome of Thalia’s efforts were, I can hear some small snuffling sounds as if she was upset coming from her room, and some much louder noises seeping out from Alexandra’s. Given the warry looks of the on-watch crew on the deck, I’m guessing Niobe is involved. She is the amazon if you don’t recall. Anyway, I’m all for bed, my eyes are weary after all that reading today.
Yours with love and affection,
Revenge and Lunacy
Most revered smith Nicolos, son of the forge, late of Kor Volcas:
As you probably noticed I often write letters home to my mother, to let her know that I am well and some of the exploits I’ve been up to. While I will doubtlessly continue to write her, I thought it would be a good opportunity to write you as well so that you might be kept abreast of the goings on outside of Kor Volcas to better serve your charge as ambassador to the crown. I hope your foray to meet with Ozen goes smoothly and the emissaries are well received.
Since we left things have been interesting, in our particular idiom. The first two days of our journey back to the Spartan high pass were uneventful, save for a general soaking on day two from rains that would not relent. Sadly, I fear that soaked the new cloths Lady Alexandra invested in along with her cunning new hat, but it apparently keeps the rain off her face and her hair is largely dry. A boon to be sure. I noticed that in addition to your own masterly crafted gifts, lady Thalia returned from a communion with presumably Aphrodite (I could smell perfume and incense), a new ornate dagger. As I learn more of its function, I’ll endeavor to relay that to you, as you might find it interesting. As we exited Kor Volcas, Silenos whistled for his companion and much to our surprise a massive overly large grey wolf appeared. Apparently, Perseus can change forms, hopefully the new form will prove as helpful as the latter did. I’m personally somewhat disquieted, but I think that came from my all too close proximity, even in dreams, to Hade’s hound Cerberus. If it wasn’t raining, I think I might have slept outside of Alex’s arcane hu; but given the choice I’ll just think bird and avoid the rain. On day three we entered the pass itself, somewhat removed from where we encountered the Ares cultists. As we traversed the pass, we were met with a large roar and another of the fire giant kin lept down the slope.
This fellow was massive, easily again twenty-five feet tall, covered in dark iron armor, with a massive sword. This one also dragged a heavy set of chain links, culminating in 3 iron collars around the necks of a beast with the head of a lion, goat and dragon: not as large a head as Ozen, but still an impressive serpent. He roared something in giant before releasing his beast, I didn’t understand it, but the body language was very much “I’m coming to eat you”. Ouroboros immediately rushed forth, bounding up over the rocks and ledges to engage the beast. He was holding that axe we found amongst the cultist’s bodies, the one Silenos initially picked up. He struck two hard blows against the creature, increasing its apparent ire. Lady Alexandra stepped up and cut loose with the same grey purple ray of arcane energy striking the giant at the hip. It reduced the armor to dust and horribly rent the flesh that was exposed. It certainly got the giants immediate and full attention. Lady Thalia enriched and embolden several of us as is her way, then before moving up the slop further away, gifted me with an arcane shield of invisibility. So embolden and shielded, I was able with my father’s timely gift to race to engage with the giant itself. Conveniently Alexandra left me a nice hole to work with and I was able to injure the fiend, but rather than stop, I moved slightly past the giant as its attentions were still focused on Alexandra. I thought it might provide me with an opportunity if rage clouded judgement.
At this point the creature, which I’m told was a Chimera, lashed out at Ouroboros. From my angle it looked like it was a most serious blow, but Ouroboros barely flinched, though I could see the ferocity in his face redouble. I thought nothing of it at the time, but that was a poor decision. The serpent’s head bathed our stalwart in a furnace blast of flame, leaving him singed, but even more angry if its possible. Noting the frothing rage, the beast also opted to fly out over the central trail in the pass. Once there it stared down with its lion’s head and roared staring at Perseus who had taken up guard near Lady Alexandra. With a roar of its own the giant took several strides forward, leaped, brandished its massive sword, and fell on its face dead at Lady Alexandra’s feet. It seems he may have made the error I hoped he would and ignore the cat at his back. Between my arcane vibration and deft strike, the giant had passed away even before making the fated leap. It apparently takes time for the brain to realize when you’re that big, good thing to know, and an important safety tip.
Silenos clambered up the slope to a ledge, gaining a good view of the chimera. Drawing an arrow onto his new bow, he pronounced the death of the chimera, which seemed to toll or echo slightly giving it added menace. With that he loosed and the arrow lodged in the body; a second much more carefully aimed shot pierced the lion’s head through one eye lodging somewhere behind. The creature wobbled in the air, but I suspect having three heads makes for some versatility to those sorts of injuries. Its at this time however, I learn an important lesson. Ouroboros was beyond rage into some sort of addled frenzy. He could no longer tell friend from foe. He charged me across the ground as I wasn’t too far removed from his position. He swung and connected once causing injury, thank goodness it was a glancing blow. His second blow didn’t land, thanks to Lady Alexandra. She caused him to appear as she did the dreaming giant, blinking and shimmering as if many days were passing for him suddenly. A moment later she also loosed a volley of brilliant motes that entwined themselves, but struck the chimera at different points, knocking it from the air. Given the opportunity I flee from Ouroboros’s proximity to hover over Alex and the guarding Perseus. Ouroboros rounds on those of us in the pass proper and leaps to the floor of the pass in one great bound. He proceeds to climb the lower limbs of the giant, froth speckling his lips, and a dull red haze visible in his eyes. With frustrated abandon he swings repeatedly at the giant’s corpse, causing blood red wounds to grow in his butchery. Alexandra incants, and a wave of energy surrounds Ouroboros, slowly leeching the red aura from the axe, his eyes, and we can see the throbbing pulse cease.
A few moments later, senses returning to Ouroboros, the party examines the outcome of the confrontation. Several items could be useful from the Chimera, but out of respect only the lion’s paws are removed, instead of the equally valuable goats head and hooves. Silenos looks relieved. The giant had a few odds and ends in a belt pouch. Much discussion surrounds Ouroboros, Lady Thalia is most upset and worried about future happenings. Lady Alexandra is pragmatic vowing to defend herself if need arises. It seems to me this object should go somewhere far away. Another partial day we descend out of the pass looking into the Spartan valley. Its then we feel the ground shake and tremble. We can see the seas pull back and a wall of water rise. The giant wave rushes forward to claim the port and valley, when it is abruptly sundered, sparing much of the port, thankfully.
I decide to take this opportunity to let me fingers remotely releave Ouroboros of his bedeviled axe. While our companions consider the implications of the wall of water, I take a moment to becon little Hamila, my friend and familiar to me. She kindly consents to take a small parcel from me to Ozen. I send the axe off, so it is beyond our friend’s clutches. Hopefully this will set his mind right. If you happen to see Ozen, please warn her. I shared it was dangerous and needed to be destroyed, but I didn’t have time to relay the details of why. Its not long after that as the companions discuss the ramifications of the ocean’s upheaval, that Ouroboros finds the axe missing. As he begins to search, he suddenly clutches his head and takes a knee in mental agony. I’m not sure what happened, but it feels like something is competing inside Ouroboros’s psyche for control and dominance. I’m left thinking perhaps he could use something to serve as a distraction, and he did hit me. So I get out in front of him as he recovers and still searches. I smile and confess, “Who do you think could take it?” with that I run.
Not too fast, I need to keep him close enough, but enough to move him down to the port, where perhaps he might be useful or more easily distracted by the damage that must exist. The race is quite a bit less lopsided than I’d have imagined, Ouroboros has a degree of quickness about him. I’m able to guide him down to the port and put on a little extra speed at the end to let him see me fling “an axe” out into the bay. Ouroboros runs right to the dock’s edge and leaps into the water. He’s free diving into the water again and again, water I remind you recently stirred up by a massive wave, so it is cloudy and unsettled. I don’t know if he ever found the dagger I really tossed, but I couldn’t stay all day; there were many vessels including our own that needed mending. Lady Alexandra went aboard immediately, while I lingered watching Ouroboros dive. She started help move carpenter supplies in and about the ship. A quick glance around the port I can see a good deal of damage. Some ships are floundering, broken dock piles and scattered debris are everywhere. I can hear some laments, so I know some people died as well. I lend my aid by shaping the water to flow out from the holes, letting the patching crews do their work. It is a long day. While I move around the port, I can see an agitated Ouroboros moving about, he periodically approaches me demanding to know what I did with ‘it’, meaning the axe. I’m adamant that I’ll tell him once the people of the port have been helped; tomorrow. Hopefully the worst of the symptoms will be better by then. Silenos is looking after him, but he seems unhinged.
I will write more in the coming days, to bring you up to speed to new events. Again I hope your embassy to Ozen goes well and that you bridge the worlds of Kor Vulcas and ‘the outside’ well my friend.
Returns and departures
Most honored Matriarch,
I’m writing from the confines of Kor Volcas again. The last few days have been momentous and interesting. As you know from my last letter, the companions defeated the giant I’ve taken to call the Dreamer, from its ability to assault the mind with dreams. Amongst the standing stones the giants had collected a large black metallic sky rock. Nicolos seems to be very interested in it, remarking on its features, and pondering on its material nature. Most of the rest of us, excepting perhaps Ouroboros just think it’s a nifty black rock from the sky. Silenos is seeking out clues or details from the Dreamer’s belongings. He’s already set aside a nice-looking saddle which was in the giant’s possession.
As Ouroboros becomes his normally massive size instead of his extra massive one, we all begin to discuss the various dreams we were assaulted by. Both Ouroboros and myself attempt apologies, I think Ouroboros does a much better job than I do. As you know I’m far to blunt most times and at the best of times that’s off putting. Apologizing for stabbing a compatriot in the between her shoulder blades, isn’t the best of times. I’m hopeful I will be forgiven, time will tell. Ouroboros and lady Alexandra spend some time looking over the standing stones noting the primitive writing, picture stories, and lists of names etched onto these ancient rocks. Ouroboros kneels for a bit in silent revere as lady Alexandra casts a spell of detection upon the standing stones. She indicates the stones faintly harbor some divination magic and that the sky stone has some undefined arcane potential that she can’t precisely define. After looking over the Dreamer, Silenos collects the left ears from the giants as part of the bounty from Sparta. The massive things get rolled, tied, and added to a crude travoy for transport.
Many of us are a little worse for wear after the encounter and take a moment to catch our breath. Silenos wanders around the hilltop and disappears for a bit. When he returns his former bow has been replaced with one of shimmering white and clear divine artifice. He indicates its just something from his patroness, Artemis. Which gives truth to Ouroboros’s statement that he should expect such a visit after the slaying of the second giant. Finally packed and rested the companions begin the hike back to Kor Vulcas. Silenos spends a few moments talking with lady Alexandra, I wasn’t close enough to hear what it was about, but its not long before Silenos is back in the vanguard with Thisbe. Our scouts report a bit after mid-day that they have found some rather large feathers along our path. Silenos recognizes then as harpy feathers. Apparently, the Spartan mountains are home to marauding bird-women who waylay travelers. Ouroboros feels that it would be a boon to Sparta and the mountain tribes if this scourge were to be removed, and everyone seems to agree. For myself, what cat doesn’t love hunting birds?
Silenos and Thisbe discuss the best way to scout for the harpies, with Silenos proposing that Perseus goes, looks, and reports back. Thisbe points out he would be vulnerable and easy prey to the harpies as they also fly and come in flocks. To which point I clear my throat and lift a few feet into the air, thanks to father’s gift of boots, and wink out of sight by my own craft. With that I slide upward through the trees and forward along out path. I see more and more signs of habitation, but no actual harpies themselves. Just as I was turning to report back, I spy a large nest of branches and twigs. Close observation details several long bones and a couple of skulls in the nest. I fly back, still under cover of invisibility to let the companions know. Lady Thalia indicates an interest in locating the nest itself. While there is some debate, it occurs to me I have a simple method. With that I fly up as the companions make their way forward at ground level. Once I can see them start to break out of the tree line for the pass, I swoop down and turn my little pillar into a real pillar.
While I am nice, silent, and very much beyond sight, a 20 foot marble pillar is much less so; causing much distress in the harpy colony.
Lady Alexandra spies a harpy that is more richly plumed and maybe a third again as large as the others. Assuming that might be the matriarch of the colony, she casts bolts of arcane energy which strike the flying monster repeatedly. I should describe the landscape for you. Behind the companions is a forested tree line. The mountain pass is steeply sloped on the left headed upward several hundred feet, that is where the nest is located. To the left of the companions a broad shelf of scrub extends ending at the north side in a sheer cliff face. Ahead of the companions the pass narrows, with the rock wall on one side and the vertical drop on the other. Moments after Alexandra lets loose her barrage, Thisbe rushes forward several paces, turns and let’s fly with a flask before knocking arrows to let fly. The flask strikes one of the lesser harpies and a skilled bow shot send that creature down into the canyon below. Knocking another arrow, Thisbe also strikes the matriarch before reaching for more arrows.
Taking advantage of all the attention paid elsewhere, I surprise one of the harpies, striking her from the air with some sudden violence. Looking up from my attack, I’m in time to see Ouroboros once again assume his truly gigantic form, he strides to the lip of the sheer drop, and grabs the matriarch pulling her closer. She is slippers and writhes free, just as Silenos steps into the clear and loudly pronounces an oath to slay the creature. He then let’s fly with a pair of arrows, striking one after another. Then he seems to surge with extra energy and loses more arrows, when the shafts stop the matriarch has fallen laying dead. Following Silenos’s example, lady Thalia steps into the clear a divine radiance stretches out from her touching several other companions, Alexandra, Ouroboros, and Silenos. Then with an outstretched finger, she directs a small bright red orb out into the air between several of the harpies, where it detonates, scorching three severely.
Its then that the harpies begin to sing in lament. The song is captivating, and I must say more than a little mesmerizing. I lose track of events for a few moments. Next thing I realize I’m being struck by Thisbe. Not in a retributive sort of way, more like she was flung by an errant god and struck me in a mass of fists and feet. The strike however, did serve to break the entrainment and my mind cleared. I look to the left and see Ouroboros move over to Silenos, striking a harpy a stunning blow with a bare fist. Silenos seemingly oblivious to the nearest harpy walks several steps to the cliff’s edge and pauses. After a brief shake of his head, he fires once each at two of the singed birds, killing both with arrows through the neck. Lady Thalia must have seen something in that action that struck her fancy. She too steps right up to the cliff’s edge and then spins quickly hurling another erupting ball of fire at a cluster of 3 harpies. A harpy dips low and strikes out at Lady Alexandra, scoring hits with wounding claws. Several of the scorched harpies find valor in living to fight another day and flee. Lady Alexandra grapples briefly with the harpy that wounded her, her fist clad in pitch and bile green motes, transferring much of her recent wounds to the creature. Thisbe lets loose a tirade of curses and is clearly suffused with rage. She charges the remaining harpy stabbing it well past the point of dead, and close to soup.
Silenos eventually calms Thisbe and they examine the surroundings. They find a few more feathers and talons that might be valuable. We decide to talk a pause and once again catch out breaths. After setting back out, we arrive near sunset at the entrance to the tunnels leading to Kor Vulcas. Lady Alexandra and the rest of us, intently watch the setting sun. As the other day a ball of flame streaks toward the setting sun, only today a bolt of lightning streaks froth and strikes the orb from the sky. After seeing the spectacle Alexandra takes a few private moments to say something to her father. About an hour later we arrive back in Kor Volcas and report to the palace.
We’re met by the court’s Steward, Baccus and he offers us quarters in the visitor’s section, as last time. In fact, I think it’s the same place as last time. Baccus indicates prince Heberous will be along shortly to talk with us. It’s a couple hours later that the prince comes to see us. He’s debriefed on the events with the titan, dragon, and giants. The longer the story goes on the less he believes. Lady Thalia conjures an image from her perspective of the fight. I think the prince is amazed, but not entirely convinced we’re not liars telling a good story. Discussions of compensation come up and the prince indicates there will be some gold, and he would plan for us to see some rare treasures on the morrow. A few moments later four burley dwarven lads come in with a large chest on wooden poles. Inside is a bounty of coin which makes us each very wealthy. Lady Alexandra discusses the teleportation network, and indeed there is a station here in Kor Volcas and the sigil is shared with her against future need. The prince mentions a special reward that one of us can make use of and it’s a uniquely dwarven belt, oddly its sized large enough to fit even Nicolos. Which is handy as I don’t think Nicolos is ever going to let that belt out of his sight. Nicolos is also granted use of the forge complex. With that the prince bids us a good night, with a promise to come by in the morning.
Ladies Thalia and Alexandra take a moment and speak privately, ending with lady Alexandra passing a small grey bead to Thalia. Thalia moves off for some additional privacy and is back a few moments later, which seems to generate another discussion between the ladies. While they’re talking Silenos gets some of the guest house ale for Thisbe. Discussions abound as happens with good companions, in comfort and safety. We discuss arcane craft, prophecy, the gods and other topics, everyone is involved except the noteworthy absence of lady Alexandra. After a bit talk turns more personal and teasing between Ouroboros and Thalia. Seems Ouroboros has promised to wed Thalia’s sister. The topic is somewhat uncomfortable for the rest of us, so we go in different directions. Thisbe heads home, Nicolos heads off to find Forgemaster Ina. Its not long before Nicolos is back, and as I’m watching Silenos stalk off toward Alexandra’s room, I just manage to catch Nicolos and Ouroboros settling on the idea for a night of revel to celebrate our successful return. I recall all to well the last drinking night and go try and find a wheelbarrow for later in the night. I find out, but it takes some feline persistence to acquire it.
Nicolos of all people challenges Ouroboros to a drinking contest. I’m so very glad I got a wheelbarrow. The boys go looking for a barkeep to talk about the challenge, which is met with raucous approval. As the barkeep is getting this keg nearly his own size into place; a crowd gathers, and lady Thalia asks if I could slip a vial into Nicolos’s drink. It won’t be easy, but it’s possible. Just as they are about to start, I take the opportunity to introduce both Nicolos and Ouroboros. Using that attention as cover I slip the vial’s contents into Nicolos’s tankard. Surprisingly this contest goes on for quite some time. Both contestants seeming on the verge of passing out or worse. Eventually in a slow-motion tumble Ouroboros slides to the floor as Nicolos declares “jokes on you, my ancestors were raised on oats and barley.” A few moments later Nicolos was set on a winner’s chair with a paper crown just as his muzzle drooped and a faint snore could be heard. I find myself thinking about how to get both companions on the wheelbarrow when I see Ladies Thalia and Alexandra again deep in conversation. I can make out Thalia say something about “warm bed”, but then her hair obscures her face, and I couldn’t make out the rest. Just as I settle on a plan, I turn to find the ladies gone, Ouroboros and Nicolos snoring, leaving just Silenos and me to load the sleepers and haul them across town. Then it occurs to me we’re recently rich and I hire a couple of sturdy dwarven lads to help me get the boys on the wheelbarrow. Silenos and I heft on the wheelbarrow, and three things occur to me. One, I hate lugging drunken giants and minotaurs more than I hate hauling rocks. Two, I should have gotten a cart instead of a wheelbarrow. Three, Silenos is an excellent ranger, but total crap at drunken companion wrangling. Eventually we get them and us back to the guest house. Silenos is nearly stooped from the exertion and spends several minutes stretching, while I drag first Nicolos into a room. Before wrangling Ouroboros inside next, I knock on lady Alexandra’s door as I can hear some light commotion inside. She answers the door and I ask to borrow some ink. I explain the boys should get tattoo’s to commemorate todays outing. She agrees giving me a pot before returning to the somewhat wry eyed Thalia hiding under some sheets and pillows. Eventually I get Ouroboros hauled into bed and set about my task, I give each a simple heart with the other’s name proudly displayed, as friends might have.
Eventually everyone sleeps, well I assume Alexandra and Thalia sleep, I didn’t check. Silenos was passed out on the sofa and I pulled some pillows onto the floor to sleep. I might have been better served by being awake. Who knew meeting Hades would lead to bad dreams, I know, I should have. I came to in the dream like you often do, in an inky black darkness. Now lately darkness hasn’t been much of a problem for me, as I can see in the dark. As the darkness falls away, its replaced with the red-orange fog of a mist being set alight by fires or lava. The fogged lights pulse and I can feel a stone path under my feet, before me a massive pair of double doors loom larger than life. They are at once impressive an ornate, but also tarnished and unfathomably old; made of gold, rusted wrought iron, cared with images, languages, all in depicting dark scenes. Behind me I can begin to hear the ragged rumble of a chest deep growl. Peering over my shoulder I can see a dog easily the size of an ox, with three heads. All three rumble with the basso growl, lava like foam drips constantly from the snarling maws. Two heads have eyes of balefire, while the third are just a simple brown.
I’m too scared to move, but I edge my head back facing front looking for a path to evade. Now standing between me and the door is the tall lean form of Hades that we saw on the mountain top. He strides toward me, walking in an arc. He speaks of payment for favors, how the underworld is busy with both the punished and rewarded flocking to Hade’s Hall. He speaks of seeing in the darkness, and I know why his hound’s eyes are brown. He is blind so that I might see. In his cold cool voice, he says payment will come due. I tell him so long as I’m alive I’m happy to do so. He smiles, its unnerving. He’s now standing next to his hound, a touch of his hand quiets the growl to something only as threatening as a roiling storm. Hades lifts his bident into the air, I wince expecting to crash on the pavement, but he doesn’t. It barely touches the walkway. I can feel power lash out none the less, it passes through me leaving me cold. I can hear the great doors creak open behind me. A growing din of soul sucking sound comes tearing from beyond them, the pressure of that sound builds greater and greater by the moment. I’m forced to cover my ears for my own sanity, and just as that seems to fail, I bolt upright, wide awake.
If I’m going to have dreams like that I really should have drunk more. I stumble out to the main room looking for something to drink and some water for my face. After a little bit, I can hear Ouroboros and Nicolos coming back to life. Ouroboros seems much worse for wear than Nicolos. When Nicolos stumbles out, he scratches an inch along his wide jaw, only to discover a bear has grown overnight. Wondering at that, he gets something to drink and can overhear a conversation in the street, in dwarvish, and can understand it fluently. Nicolos is very excited about these details. Ladies Thalia and Alexandra join the rest of us, a very content look upon Thalia’s countenance, surpassed only by the one on lady Alexandra’s. Moments later the court Steward knocks on the door. Needing to get my mind off dreams I coax him into knocking again only harder. Watching Ouroboros wince at the noise is enough of a distraction. I open the door and the Steward announces the prince is ready for us at the Temple of Vulcan. A place Ouroboros and Nicolos know well enough. After a brief breakfast, we make our way to the temple and the prince. Heberous gives us a brief tour of the main temple space, it’s a cluster of forge workshops around a larger central one that has a flu adorned with a statue of Vulcan.
Heberous gestures to Nicolos and they have a long private chat, not sure what’s said but it leaves Nicolos very pensive by the looks. When they return, the prince ushers in several merchants who display their wares. We take up most of the precious good’s trading back the coin we so recently earned. Lady Thalia has a significant gaffe with her mind probing and a wine vendor. She’s caught out by the prince himself. Thalia seems chastened, but shops on. Each of us pick up some items, or commission others to be made. Myself I acquire, from a neophyte artisan, an impressive set of goat figurines. They are reported to change size at a word and serve as mounts or combat companions. As the shopping winds down Lady Alexandra quickly leaves, followed by a concerned Ouroboros. They discuss something as we all head back to the guest house, except Nicolos. He explains he has something to discuss with Forgemaster Ina. We don’t see Nicolos until late that evening. Nicolos sets a wrapped bundle on the main table and unfurls it. Inside are 5 jet black blades of varied design. He explains he’s been offered the opportunity to serve in King Agamemnon’s court as an advisor. It will also allow him to practice his god granted craft, learning from Ina and others. It is too rich an opportunity for him to miss, so he is staying. Nicolos hands out the blades to each of us. Alex’s blade is narrow and tapered, with a silver embossed book at the pommel and a curled scroll as the cross guard. Silenos’s hilt is a quiver with several blunted arrow points as the pommel, the cross guard is a black and silver bow, reminiscent of his new pure white bow. Ouroboros’s is a wider blade, with two gauntleted fists fingers entwined as the hilt and cross guard, flaring out to creating the pommel. Thalia’s is another narrow blade with a pair of splayed wings as the cross guard and a crowned orb as the pommel. Mine is a sturdy blade, with a narrow pair of boots backed heel to heel. A set of winds extend from the near the top of each to form the cross guard. He goes on to explain the enchantment forge wrought within them as a group, how they will serve to let us help one another, as he has helped us. They are a kingly gift indeed. We have another day or so to wait for the commissions to get completed, then we will be off, back to Sparta proper to see lady Thalia’s labor put to rest. I know not when next I’ll write or where I will be. Please be safe my darling mother, know that I do all of this so that you and many others can remain free, prosperous, and most importantly alive.
Yours Gyasi
Gifts and Dreamwalkers
Greetings and much love oh heavenly matriarch
The companions and I find ourselves taking a moment amongst some standing stones on a balding peak here in the south of the Spartan mountains. When last I wrote, we the companions and the dragon known as Ozen had done battle with the Titan of destruction, Persus. We had held a brief funeral for the brave and stalwart kobold Gecky and retired with a mixture of exhaustion, elation, and trepidation. The following morning dawned cold, but we were warm enough in the undercroft of Ozen’s sanctuary. We all woke at different times, with Lady Alexandra and Silenos rising before I did. The space next to the fire was very relaxing and it is a difficult thing sometimes to give up. When I started to wander about, I could see different companions in conversation with others or engaged in personal activities. Lady Alexandra was reading some volume, which is in keeping with her wont; Ouroboros was in conversation with Thisbe and Silenos was conversing with Ozen. I’d decided the night before that I would ask to see if there were any navigational maps that might be in Ozen’s collection. She had come from Italy with her retinue, so it was possible she had something. Given that she was busy I went in search of her aide decamp Alga.
When I presented the request to Alga, she was very thoughtful for several moments. She assured me that “The Lady” probably did have such a thing and was typically very happy to share. She also indicated that we should go and ask directly. With that we walked arm in arm, well hand in arm given the height differences, making our wat to Ozen. Ozen seemed somewhat bemused this morning, apparently, she had been fielding requests, chit chat, and other discussions for a couple of hours as we all came to consciousness. She indicated that she did indeed have some navigational maps and would be willing to trade in exchange for some personal trinkets belonging to the Demi-Thots. I said that was something do able and set about my task.
Deciding on my own was easy. My first sword, the bronze Kopis that I took from the pirate off the isle of Crete. Since father lead me to the hiding place of Pare Dose, Give and Take to you and I, it wasn’t seeing much use. Given that I found the pair just before joining with the companions in Athens, it seemed a good marker for the start of this journey, though I suspect many of the errands father has had me running had import well beyond the tasks I was performing. Next, I thought of perhaps lifting a quill from Lady Alexandra, as she is a scholar. Sadly, there was nothing save the barrowed blankets from the kobolds in her space. She must keep them on her, I’ll have to ask when next she is free. Given that Silenos was busy with Ozen, I decided to help myself to one of the cast of feathers of his companion Perseus. I was careful to select the least of the small collection. I felt this was fitting as Perseus is goddess touched by Artemis. Next, I went to Ouroboros’s resting place, there I sought for his strigil. I’ve witnessed several Greeks, and indeed some Cretans, oil themselves and wipe it themselves clear with such devices before bathing. Given his stature and physique, something that personal and intimate seemed an excellent token for Ozen’s collection. The last sleeping chamber I visited was that of Nicolos, there I selected a nearly new, but far from unique hammer. This too speaks to his connection with his patron and something of intimate use for my Minotaurian companion. I was thinking on what would make a good token of lady Thalia when one of the kobolds summoned me, and the others to breakfast.
Ozen put on a spread of delicacies from many places along with an exotically spiced stew. All of it was very good. While we talked over the meal, Ozen told us the story about the birth of the dragons, their interactions with both the titans and the gods. There was a good deal of lore available in the story and I listened carefully, but wonder how much I’ll recall as the days pass. I suspect Lady Alexandra will recall more and will likely put quill to parchment soon enough. During that story it dawns on me what an excellent token for Lady Thalia would be. When Ozen finished, I first asked Alexandra if it would be possible to have a quill and a bit of parchment. Both she was more than happy to part with. Next, I asked Alga if they might have a pomegranate, but sadly they did not. Thankfully the ever-useful Thisbe did have a slightly worse for wear one in her ration stash. She unfortunately knew nothing about the next step in my plan, which had me turn to Silenos. He however was familiar with poultices and ointments. He was able to fashion the sort of lip ointment that isn’t uncommon in some parts of Egypt. With the balm in hand, I sought out lady Thalia and asked if she would paint her lips, and then kiss the page. She was somewhat perplexed but agreed once I mentioned it was a gift for someone. With the tokens in hand I returned to Ozen. I explain the origin and meaning of each of the items, and she seemed very pleased. We spent several moments looking over an impressive collection of charts. I was able to add some nice maps of the eastern Mediterranean from Italy to points east of Crete. I’m sure these will be a boon in the days to come.
When Ozen and I return to the breakfast, many of the companions are still there in conversations. We discuss making way and tracking down the giants that are among the peaks. Ozen offers to allow us the privilege of letting us ride her back for a time to help us on our way. The companions are rightfully very grateful, though it seems overly bold of Ouroboros to ask if there would be enough space for us all to cling there. Ozen seemed to grin over much as Ouroboros stuttered somewhat, eventually she replied there would be ample room. The companions head to pack our kits and say goodbyes to the kobolds, while Ozen heads out to the courtyard. It takes a few minutes, while we make our way outside, I arrive just as Ozen finishes exhaling on the scale shield belonging to Silenos. He seemes a mix of honored, entertained, and chagrinned. I wish I’d gotten there sooner; I’m betting that was more interesting than making up my bed roll. Once we are all in the courtyard, we climb onto Ozen’s back and she takes wing. Ozen clearly wanted to give us a bit of a thrill, after a few beats of her wings, she noses down slope along the mountain’s face. The rush of air as we gather speed was truly impressive. More impressive was the strength evidenced when she pulled herself up soaring upwards. The strain on us was impressive, she seemed to take it in stride without effort. Several hours of flight later we made our way back to where Silenos and Thisbe noted the giant tracks. We bid good travels to Ozen as she then winged away.
We travel though the mountains for much of the day. Silenos and Thisbe find more and more tracks leading us up and deeper into the peaks. As we stop to make camp that night there is some strangeness at sunset. What looks like a streaking star rolls west across the sky, dipping lower and lower and then at the last-minute it rolls toward the setting sun. In a blink we are in darkness, in another blink the moon has risen. We all are perplexed, except Lady Thalia. She is alarmed, she is blinded. Unsure of what happened many of us are lost in conjecture, but not Nicolos. He places his hands over Thalia’s eyes, with a murmured prayer, restores her vision. We sleep in one of Lady Alexandra’s arcane shelters. None of us sleep well, but sleep we do. The sun dawns in the morning pale and somewhat more subdued, but perhaps that’s because of the altitude and cold. As the morning unfolds, we draw ever closer to the giants by the looks of their tracks. It occurs to Silenos that the skyborn rock also must have fallen near here. It seems beyond happenstance that the sky rocks and giants aren’t to appear together. After midday we come on a balding steep sided hill top. We can see it is adored with tall standing stones and can hear the low rumble of giant tongue from just beyond our site. In preparation Thalia casts a spell that makes my limbs feel loose and rangy. Silenos sends Perseus to fly over the bald cap of the peak, the bird returns quickly. He indicates that there are indeed giants over the top, after a few moments of apparently speaking in bird, he indicates there are three, one of which has stuff growing out of it. Not but a few moments later the giant who indeed had items growing out of his flesh, from a mast and a cottage window to part of a split door hove into view. Ouroboros and they had a brief conversation in giant. The giant ended on what sounded like some sort of slur calling Ouroboros “zordros”. Not sure what that meant, but immediately there after Ouroboros surged forward toward the giant.
Lady Alexandra walks a few feet up the extremely steep slope and with a gesture from her staff causes a pale purple whip of energy to form striking one of the more normal giants in the head, where a band of energy continued to pulse slowly. I race up the slope without impediment and cloak myself in darkness behind that same giant. Silenos moves up the slope shooting twice with his bow. He misses once, but the second shot is more robust and wounds the fractured giant. The lumbering fractured giant grabs a boulder and moves to hurl it at Thalia as it moves closer to Ouroboros. Lady Alexandra raises her staff and with a staccato shout causes the boulder hurling giant to flicker. It is there and not there in slow motion repeat, the boulder un-thrown. With a growl the third, yet unseen, giant rushes to the lip of the bald hilltop and hurls a boulder at lady Alexandra. Alexandra is a stalwart and confident standing her ground as her arcane armor surrounds her forcing the boulder up and over her diminutive form. The somewhat stunned giant peers over my surrounding darkness, retrieves a nearby hunk of stone and pitches it underhand aiming to smash into both Perseus and Ouroboros. Perseus manages to pull above the rock, but Ouroboros is knocked flat. Thisbe charges up the hill, throwing an alchemical flask at the boulder rolling giant while aiming her spear at the other.
Ouroboros increases in size, now coming up to about half the height of the giants, while moving closer to the recently appearing giant. Alexandra edges closer to the pair of giants on the hill and again summons a mental whip to assault her previous target. Lady Thalia’s dark purple sash flashes with a pale blue light and the arcane whip becomes two ended lashing out in turn against the other giant on the hill. Both giants are left with wreaths of psionic energy surrounding their heads. With the giant above me stunned, I leap from ground to knee, to waist, to shoulder, and plant my blade directly into his left eye. The giant topples dead as I ride him to the ground. Silenos adjust himself to stand atop a fallen pillar, takes aim and shoots twice again. The first shot hits, but the second misses, nearly hitting his swooping avian companion. Something happens with Thalia, for a moment she has a far-off look, then she blinks her eyes and with a look of defiance, hurls a seed of flame which blossoms into a huge ball of fire encompassing both the fractured giant and his remaining companion. The companion drops to their knees before toppling, smoke leaking skyward from the corpse. Thisbe charges the fractured giant, first throwing an alchemical flask, and then lancing it with a spear. Ouroboros’s head swivels to stare hatefully at Silenos and with a grim look charges him. Thalia launches a spark of silver energy striking Ouroboros and distracting his blow at the last moment, narrowly missing Silenos. Sadly, that didn’t work for Ouroboros’s second swing which connected with force. Lady Alexandra looks at the fractured giant a moment, then a second before her eyes blink and with a shake of her head she presents her staff. A beam of grey radiance leaps from the head of the staff, striking a quill sized point on the giant’s chest. A moment later the flesh of the giant seems to crumble inward on that point, skin, muscle, and bone vanishing into a gaping wound.
I find myself on the deck of a ship with many soldiers rowing, propelling us forward over the waves. Father is at the tiller of the ship. He smiles at me, saying it is time. A wave parts and a rank of giants look back imploring me to help them in return for their service. Father nods, and so I act. I move under cover of darkness behind the giant killing dwarf Thisbe. I strike her mightily, but she doesn’t fall as I return to the darkness. Silenos the miscreant goat vanishes in mist to appear atop a boulder not far off. He shoots at my friend the fractured giant, thankfully missing. He then fires at my companion Ouroboros and sinks an arrow into his body, wounding my friend. Our friend the fractured giant begs Ouroboros to deal with the blonde woman who’s injured him so severely, and then moves to the other fiend on the field crushing the miscreant Thalia with two broad strokes of their great club. Sadly, the second blow misses the killing blow on that wretched woman. It is then the wretch casts something arcane, I’m not close enough to tell what it was. She implores Ouroboros with honesty and knowledge of extended family. She implores me with the simple fact she and the others are part of the same crew. With that the dream fades and realization washes over me.
Lady Thalia then moves to get away from the deadly club of the dreaming giant. It takes advantage of the opportunity to strike her and connects, but as it does several spectral giants appear, absorbing some of the blow, allowing her to escape. Howling yet louder Ouroboros picks up the pillar Silenos recently vanished from. He wields it like a man with the bole of a tree, he smashes the dreaming giant twice, staggering it. Ouroboros flexes mightily and with a visible surge of power swings again. This time as the pillar strikes the dreamer seems to have vanished moved a short distance away, with Ouroboros swirling to the ground, panting from the exertion. As I begin to close on the dreaming giant, two motes of power rise from the soil and latch on to myself and Ouroboros. I’m not sure what effect it was meant to have, for a moment I feel a stiffness in my joints before the ward lady Thalia placed on me tears the effect away, allowing me to leap with flight enhanced boots, and drive my blade into the dreaming giant’s right eye. I ride this giant down to the ground as well.
We all look at one another wide eyed for a moment before turning our attention to the aftermath. I will write again soon. Please know that I love you and will see you as soon as I can.
Your son
New Friends and Titan slaying
Warmest salutations most honored matriarch,
It is with an abundance of joy I write you, as you might surmise by the existence of this letter the situation with the Titan Persus has resolved in a way to allow me to write you. In fact, the entire crew has by grant of the gods, survived, nay triumphed in this encounter. We didn’t manage this alone, so allow me to impart to you the tale of how we arrived at this happy end.
When last I wrote we had just dived into the ancient temple in the complex, the sole building left unmolested by Persus and his demonic minions. Once the most grievous of wounds were tended, the others led by our kobold companions moved to explore the depths of the temple. Unfortunately, Lady Alexandra was still suffering from the demonic toxins. She was moving, weak but moving, a series of tremors passed through her making it obvious what was going on. Our new companion Thisbe started to mix something from her stores of powders and liquids. Just as Thisbe was finishing, Lady Alexandra seemed to seize and slowly collapse to the floor. Thisbe seized her and administered some alchemical mixture which seemed to neutralize the remaining toxin. Easing Alexandra to the ground Thisbe then applied some poultices and bandages to staunch the toxin’s harm, leaving Alexandra breathing easier and barely conscious. Lady Thalia stepped closer, a warm glow cascading from her fingers, and into the ravaged flesh of Alexandra, mend the harm done by the demonic toxin.
The building has a massive undercroft, which the two remaining kobolds, Alu and Gox, escorted us. Lady Alexandra politely knocked on the locked door leading to the rest of the undercroft. As our escorts were saying something about knowing the password, Ouroboros utilized his universal key by kicking the door and shattering the bonds holding it closed. The rest of us looked on, I with a degree of incredulity as I tucked my tools back into my waist pouch. As the door sunders and Ouroboros steps forward, the sound of many small blade being drawn greets us as we meet many of the clan that Alu and Gox were riven from. Nothing like putting our best foot forward I suppose. The anxiety was palpable. Fortunately, Alu and Gox immediately vouched for our presence and indicated we had come to see their Lady. Its evident that was sufficient as warm drinks and clothes are presented to us. One of the drinks was quite interesting. It was like warm milk, but with a very sweet and alluring flavor. I’ve not had its like despite the many ports of call I’ve visited. It was truly a beverage fit for royalty. With some prompting by Ladies Thalia and Alexandra we’re moved toward meeting with some sort of leader named Alga. Some of the clan depart to see if Alga approves of our visit, others with great anxiety try and make us welcome. Lady Thalia put them somewhat to ease, in fact I think by the moon eyed look in at least one of the kobold’s faces she’s perhaps enchanted them. The kobold Kern seemed to take an exceptional shine to Thalia.
In moments after a solemn promise not to do the Lady harm we are escorted through the undercroft to a cavern space. We passed through several rooms filled with supplies, living spaces, a scriptorium of some sort, an alter space and eventually into an amazing space. The roof of the cavern seemed to hold wispy visions of the night sky. This vista was reflected onto the massive body of water filling most of the cavern, except the level of detail was vastly magnified. The moon, planets and constellations in exacting detail shimmered at the water’s mirror like surface. At the back of the cavern space are six statues of cloaked figures, each holding something before their chests, a violet glow suffusing their forms. The rest of the clan gathers around, weapons at the ready surround a singular creature. This kobold is an aquamarine color with scales highly polished and a faint hint of ozone to the surrounding air. Clearly this is must be Alga.
Alga is highly critical of us; she eyes us up and down carefully weighing our worthiness. As this happens the water behind roils, the kobolds drop to their knees faces to the floor. Alga inhales deeply and bows low as the shimmering dragon emerges from the water’s surface. The head is larger than even the great bulk of Ouroboros. As the body emerges wounds become visible, the left wing has been rent. Clearly it can’t fly. I can’t do the description justice, honored mother. This is the most noble being I’ve ever had the opportunity to see. The majesty is comparable to the most amazing sunset, but more inspiring as it is animate and very much alive. Injured to be sure, but so vibrant in its presence. Her voice, as it was most majestically a female, was rich and melodic. Motes of fog rolled from her jaws as she spoke with us. She asked to be called Ozen. Alga launched into a rendition of various titles and superlatives, but I was too taken to have followed any of it honestly. Ouroboros introduced us as children of Olympus, Lady Thalia however introduced us as the Demithots. It is by that moniker that our adventures have preceded us.
Discussions quickly turn to Persus and his reason for coming. Ozen feels as if she might be the reason for Persus’s arrival. She indicates that her injuries were from her first bout with Persus. She also indicated that if she could fly again, she’d wager her strength with ours versus Persus. Ouroboros’s runic symbol glowed softly as he discussed the possibility of taking some of the metal from the fire giants, and craft an artificial section of wing. Ozen encouraged both Ouroboros and Nicolos to speak with her inventor Gebla about the use of tools and materials to craft such an artifice. Kobolds are assigned to each of us as guides and minders. Silenos presents his scale shield from the fire giant lair. Ozen confirms that it is indeed hers. As Ouroboros, Nicolos, and Thisbe heads towards the inventor Gebla. Thalia goes to break the news of Gecky’s death to the other kobolds. Lady Alexandra remains as well to talk with Ozen. I examine some of the books and drawings which seem to be mostly prayer books. The prayer is open to Hestia. It is quite a beautiful prayer. I head back to the temple entrance to keep a weather eye on Persus and his minions. The minion creatures seem to be bickering over how they are going to tear us apart and kill us. Persus refers to them as dragolth. Persus and I have a brief conversation about the future, each of us striving to sow doubts. Persus is entirely creepy in his manic rage. I return to the undercroft as there’s nothing worthwhile to be had from further conversations.
Our artifice team spends some time and produce an amazing facsimile of dragon wing to bond to Ozen’s wounded wing. It was interesting to see Kern escorting Lady Thalia through the undercroft. Silenos comes and finds me to help with some fine manipulations of the metallic pour. The crew seemed quite concerned over the task, but it was amazingly easy. It was impressive to see what they’ve created. Its not long until the crew mesh the artifice to Ozen’s wing. After some flexing and motion, Ozen seems to feel like it would work. Ouroboros collapses to a knee in exhaustion as Ozen takes flight from a massive strong beat of her wings. Ozen is very impressed with the outcome. The crew has a need for a long rest, Lady Alexandra created her arcane shelter so we can rest with a degree of safety. What follows I’m not sure counts as rest as eventually Persus decided to wail against the temple building itself, the sanctification did hold the blows in abeyance, but only just; dust, rocks, and other debris fall from the ceiling as we rest within the shelter. The noise is stunningly loud, I eventually must fill my ears with water to be able to catch a little sleep. Once we’re more rested, the companions and Ozen prepare for the confrontation. Lady Alexandra shares with me an arcane shard she says will banish one of the demonic creatures, it might work on Persus but it seems a long shot. Lady Thalia also blesses several of the companions with a stauncher spirit, emboldening some of us.
In brief moments later the companions rush up the stairs and out of the temple proper to see a gloating, angry titan happy that we’ve finished cowering in our hole. With that statement, a wintery pall of fog rolls up behind the companions, obscuring vision for a moment as it rises into the air. As it dissipates the majestic form of Ozen once again flying appears above the temple. Persus seems filled with both surprise and glee in equal measure. Both Ozen and Persus roar defiance at each other. The battle is joined.
Lady Alexandra tried weaving a complex arcane warding that would see Persus banished back to his primordial prison. Unfortunately, Persus seemed prepared for such bindings and literally waved the spell away as if it were nothing. Ouroboros charges down the temple steps making two lunging strides at the end and hurls a javelin up into the air at Persus. The javelin strikes the titan but seems to skip off his thick enchanted flesh, leaving him uninjured. In the instant that the javelin strikes three spectral giants step away from the point of contact boxing Persus in. Thisbe not to be out done also charges headlong down the stairs ending in a discus style throw, landing an alchemical compound of some sort against the mid-section of Persus, small motes of smoke and blistering skin evident. Persus vanishes from his former location, appearing much closer to Ouroboros, leaving the giant specters behind. Lady Thalia moves out cautiously a silver radiant shard leaping from her forehead as her fingers contort, but again Persus seems to shrug it off as it was nothing. With that Thalia withdraws slightly and raises a ward against evil, of which we are surrounded by that in plenty. Persus lets loose a roar as he strikes at Ouroboros with his flanged mace, landing a significant blow, but Ouroboros remains while the stone tiles crack from the impact. Nicolos also moves down the temple stairs, his body being surrounded by the cyclopean forge spirits that is his calling card. Silenos moves also from the temple mouth, sideways down the upper stairs, his companion eagle streaking toward Persus’s mid-section. Silenos puts a yard long shaft into one of the demonic forces of Persus and his companion pulls two talon full gobbets of titanic flesh from the titan himself. The accompanying roar of pain draws the demons to attack. They all seem to be capable of different arcane assaults, some of the companions momentarily appear to be confused as they shake off the enchantment, others suddenly begin to glow with an eerie green light out lining them entirely. Others of their ilk move into places where they can physically assault various companions. Persus makes room for his minions by disappearing and reappearing a few feet away but nearly two hundred feet in the air. I take a moment and ensorcell my own blades as I use father’s gift of winged boots to streak upwards toward the now distant Persus. With a mighty beat of her healed wings Ozen rushes forth gaining height as she also closes in on the Titan. Ouroboros can be seen looking up at his handy work smiling gleefully with pride. Persus once again vanishes and reappears someone distant from where he was only moments ago. A blue crackling nimbus forms around his upraised hand as a bolt of lightning leaps toward myself and Ozen who are still flying to reach him. I’m able to twist aside thanks to my mother granted agility, Ozen while nimble is also a big as a barn and still is his by some of the stroke. Persus looks on annoyed but glares of Ouroboros as if taunting him with the thunderbolt. Steeling herself, Ozen’s mighty wings settle as her head turns to face Persus. Her great maw opens, and spicules of ice and snow rush forth on a cloud of pearlescent vapor. The cloud encompasses Persus who in turn inhales and laughingly exhales unaffected by her draconic attack.
Looking back over my shoulder I can see Lady Alexandra finishing some sort of arcane incantation, as her arms are wreathed in black and green bands of energy and a look of hardened resignation affixes her face. Ouroboros dashes briefly and leaps from the temple’s foredeck, he sails through the air and drives his fists into one of the demonic minions, wounding it severely. It turns out that in his athletic spectacle Ouroboros leapt over Thisbe who was in the lee of the forecastle. She joins Ouroboros shoulder to shoulder, striking at another of the demonic forces with her spear. She pivots and splashes the one Ouroboros if fighting with one of her alchemical concoctions. I’m too far away to see what it has done, but the look of pain on the demon’s face tells me plenty. Lady Thalia moves around one of the pillars and down the remaining stairs onto the forecastle. Two golden lances of light leap from her fingers streaking toward Persus and one of his minions. With a twisting wave from Persus both bolts miss their targets, however with her free hand, Thalia beckons and a celestial chime is heard. The demon injured by Ouroboros seems to share with the purity of the note, his wounds expanding. Nicolos also moves to the temple’s forecastle, gathering the same force of banishment that Alexandra wrought moments before. As the spell coalesces, the sash Lady Thalia wears flares a deep purple as two of demonic minions vanish from the temple ruins. With a snarled threat Persus vanishes and appears over the forecastle his ire directed at Nicolos. Silenos nimbly moves calling forth some sort of magical mark on the chest of Persus. In nearly the same breath two shafts leap up from his bow, one strikes true as the other flies wide. Persus alights on the stairs from the forecastle to the temple, cracking the blocks under his immense weight. Ozen beats her wings rolling in midair, only to be flying once again right at Persus. The demonic minions swarm, several surrounding Ouroboros and Thisbe, another closing on Silenos. The demons engaged with Ouroboros strike fang and claw opening great bloody wounds his arm and shoulders. Thisbe is equally beset, but a spectral giant hand interposes itself slowing the demon weakening its strikes. On my flight up from the temple I spy that Persus is male and equipped with significant pride. I dive toward Persus streaking between his tree trunk like legs and strike him a telling blow. His pride has been injured. I then change direction and move further, hoping to draw his ire. In the moment I strike, I hear the titans howl of pain and rage in my head and am I hate to admit it, panicked. In moments I am successful in my attempt to draw his ire, as Person his me with his great mace and nearly smashes me from the air with a crack of his massive tail. Persus also rakes at Thalia with his claws and fetid bite. The scimitar like claws slash the good lady, but thankfully the evil maw misses. Diving down from above Ozen’s back claws latch onto the titanic flesh as her jaws gouge Persus’s hide. Persus raises one hand grabbing a foreclaw for a moment before Ozen wrenches it free and then slashes a Titanic eye. We are all close enough to see the rent eye heal and knit before us, almost good as new.
Persus draws a massive breath, the air around him crackles with static charge. Small bolts of lightning dance along his skin and from talon to talon. In another moment he explosively exhales and swings his arm wide as a storm of lightning crackles away from his body striking all that are nearby. The entire temple forecastle and stairs are wreathed in lightning. Nearly every companion and Ozen are struck by the bolts. The bolts nearly bring Nicolos to his knees, and sadly his focus slips allowing the pair of demonic entities to return to the battlefield from the prison Nicolos had consigned them to. Ozen lashes her own massive tail at Persus landing a solid blow to his upraised arms. Fortunately, Persus has also landed within reach of Lady Alexandra. She reaches out with her still ensorcelled hand, drawing the titans life force into herself before moving back behind one of the temple pillars. Ouroboros reaches back casually and grasps one of the demons by his dog like maw jerking it forward. He then punches the demon engaged with Thisbe twice, the first blow lands across the creature’s abdomen, while the other lands solidly under its chin. The bad news is that as that blow to the body landed, the gauntlets which are granted by Zeus himself, begin to glow as the second blow lands. The demon is lifted by that second blow, flying backward and upward. It eventually strikes high up on the cliff wall partly surrounding the temple. The bad news is it also couldn’t avoid the plummeting fall as its back was clearly shattered by the colossal impact. The crumpled body eventually came to rest of the ground moving no longer.
Ozen is still lashing Persus with her tail, the blows striking like the dark notes on a rower’s cadence. Persus seems to have had enough as he again vanishes, reappearing over the gates to the temple entrance. Thisbe moves to provide a tactical advantage to Ouroboros, drawing demonic ire as she is savaged by teeth and claws. Another alchemical concoction answers the assault, the demonic flesh blistering and raw. Lady Thalia breaths in a moment and a pair of magnificent wings appear around her shoulders as she raises a hand and another golden bolt streaks forth, only to be waved away again by Persus. With that she dashes into the temple taking cover behind the door. Nicolos seems to draw some calm from his symbol of Hephaestus and his bronze plate seems to glow. With that he turns, looking to one of the pillars nearest the temple, he chants and the spectral form of a cyclops with a mighty forge hammer appears atop the pillar standing silent sentinel. Once completed, he too moves to stand within the temple. Silenos clambers up onto the plinth of the temple, whistling for his companion as he takes careful aim at Persus. Two shafts leap true from his goddess blessed bow, striking grievous wounds. So much so that Persus roars ordering his minions to kill Silenos. The recently returned demons and their kin surge toward Silenos. The only demons not moving that way are literally being held in position by Ouroboros and Thisbe. The demons being held try mightily to strike Ouroboros and leap free. More massive wounds are opened on Ouroboros’s arms the wounds looking sickly from this vantage. I quickly move behind the one being actively restrained and plunge my blade into him, instantly making him regret his lack of freedom. Turning his head to regard Ouroboros, Persus partly leans close before saying “I think you should kill the satyr.”, with the force of arcane will. Fortunately, Ozen is close and can ground the spell to nothing.
Lady Alexandra slides toward the temple entrance, but not before calling again on her father and calling into existence a mighty column of radiance surrounding Persus from the knee upward. Persus writhes in pain as the light seems to neutralize some critical part of him. Ouroboros lashes out with his free hand, first striking the demon and then grabbing it too by the scruff of the neck. Flexing his massive shoulders, Ouroboros drags the mad fiends toward the column of light. Thisbe takes advantage of this situation to cast a flask at one of the demonic minions and stabbing the weakened flesh with her spear. Up in the temple, Lady Thalia reaches into her enchanted satchel, drawing out a potion of golden glowing ichor. I’m not sure what the potion did, but a moment later two spears of light lashed out as the glow from within the temple fades. Two of the demonic minions were struck by these forks of light. One demon was cleft in twain, another mortally wounded, such was the force. Persus himself want to see what that was, and teleports to peer into the entrance of the temple. Nicolos not wanting to pass up an opportunity casts a radiant bolt narrowly missing Persus’s wide eye. Silenos over draws his massive bow and fires a shaft. His aim was bothered by the lingering brightness of the two lances, and he nearly strikes me instead. Silenos then breaks before his is overtaken, leaping over one demon, and making his way to an outbuilding they had recently vacated. Once under cover, Silenos places an arrow into the back of a demonic skull, ending that minion’s assault. The demons that had been closing on Silenos hiss in rage as one turns and calls a black globe of darkness about Silenos. Another washes the entrance to the temple in the green and black light used earlier, Lady Thalia begins to glow as this aura latches onto her. On the far side of the temple stairs, yet another demon assaults the mind of Ouroboros, leaving him blinking in confusion. Persus manifests his ability to vanish, reappearing several yards outside the glowing pillar of radiance. I moved behind the demon that had Ouroboros’s mind entangled, driving my sword into its spine seemed to release my companion from its mental grasp.
With a wave of his left hand, claws closing in a grasp Persus draws a wall of fire across the entrance to the temple before flying and landing on the roof of the temple itself. Lady Alexandra makes a broad sweep with her staff and extinguishes the wall of fire completely. She also beckons her pillar of light causing it to strike one of the demons before the temple. Persus attempts to grapple with Ozen and for a moment seems to be gaining the upper hand. The signet ring on Ouroboros’s hand glows briefly and then quiets, an answering glow seems to slide along the muscles and tendons on Ozen’s body, letting her slide from Persus’s grasp. Moments after that signet flair, Ouroboros heaves mightily throwing one of the pair of demons he is grappling into the air toward the glowing pillar of radiance. I lend a small aid by giving the demon a solid kick to help him on his way. A heartbeat later the second grappled demon follows the first, it too is scalded by radiance. Sadly, for its compatriot it smashed head first into its belly fatally goring it with its demonic horns. Ouroboros yells at Persus about needing more minions, Persus doesn’t even spare Ouroboros a glance with Ozen so close. Thisbe charges the remaining demon on the temple stairs, drenching it with one of her alchemical flasks, before she stabs home repeatedly with her massive spear. Stepping to the lintel of the temple Nicolos summons a healing gift from Hephaestus and I could feel and see the wounds and injuries abate amongst the companions. Silenos emerges from the demon wrought darkness letting fly with two arrows, striking and killing one of the demons. Persus grapples again with Ozen, managing to get his taloned claws on the dragon’s neck and wing, wounding Ozen, but the wing remains intact. I move closer to the embattled titan, I try and force him away from Ozen, but the movement fails. Persus slams Ozen into the frozen stone of the temple, ghostly giants appear under Ozen, breaking her fall. With a wave of his hand Persus attempts to dispel the pillar of sunlight lady Alexandra has summoned, her strength of will wins the contest, the pillar remains.
Ozen lifts herself from the frozen stone, looks to the remaining demonic minion and in a caustic dialect suggests it attack Persus. The demon’s glare shifts up to where Persus flies. Ozen leaps to the air sailing out of the dawn’s pillar with a roar and moves toward Persus. Persus reaches out and wraps a mightly fist around Ouroboros as a bolt of silvery light strikes Persus and skips back to Alexandra. The bolt made no difference as the fist closes tightly on Ouroboros. Lady Alexandra allows the dawn pillar to fade as she brings forth a now familiar arcane fist, and pummels Persus. The constant battering is taking its toll on the titan, ichor and sweat drip from his body in equal measure. Just after being struck by the arcane fists, Persus with Ouroboros in his grasp teleports directly up pausing to glance down and gloat. I’m not sure what Ouroboros did, but in a short span of moments, he’s enhanced his size to nearly rival Persus in size, certainly at least as big as one of the fire giants we’ve faced in recent days. This catches Persus by surprise as he just drops Ouroboros, who cracks the temple square stones as he strikes like a fallen boulder, but still he stands. Thalia slips from the temple and casts a spell allowing me to move even quicker so I can close on Persus. At that moment Nicolos steps forward from the temple, looking up high and lauches a golden bolt of radiance. The bolt strikes Persus in the side of the head. I wish mother I could have seen the look on Persus’s face as the realization of his defeat struck him. In moments his massive body plummeted to the stones of the temple courtyard. The last demon stares at the limp body confused, it becomes more so confused as two yard long shafts appear from its chest, compliments of Silenos.
Several things happen in quick succession. Ouroboros is still massive and in a state of rage, he grabs Persus’s huge head and begins to twist and turn it, trying to rend the head from the body. I drag the flanged mace into the temple and present it to Athena’s shrine. The bodies of the demons begin to change as whisps of black vile seep from the bodies; leaving behind twisted elves the other companions called Drow. Several of the others attend to wounds, it is in these moments that it happens. Suddenly the sounds about the temple stop as a frisson of dread passes through all of us. As I come to the temple door I see him, a tall man in black and purple robes walking calmly through the remains of the temple gate. He is pale like ice covered snow, his black hair and beard striking in contrast. Dark tattoos of arcane geometry make his arms, fingers, and neck. The coldest eyes of pure sapphire regard the titan’s body, and the rest of us without blinking. Hades has come.
Ouroboros stops wrenching on Persus’s head as his raging ire is suddenly quelled. Nicolos takes a knee in respect. Stepping toward the body of Persus, Hades manifests a coal black bident which appears like a solidifying mist. With a wave of the tines over Persus’s body, black tendrils crawl up the massive form. With that Hades speaks. He congratulates us on a herioic feat. Ouroboros ever brave asks how the titans could have escaped, to which Hades replies that its being investigated. After explaining the sequestering of Persus would take an hour or more, others begin to ask questions. Ouroboros asked what was stopping them from getting out again? A somewhat terse reply of “Me” is his only answer from Hades. Alexandra asks after the other titans such as Atlas. Hades gives us news. Atlas has indeed escaped, several of the other gods are working in concert to keep the world stable. Oceanus is in a fight with Poseidon over the rule of the seas, that fight is making sea travel less reliable. Tethus remains neutral in this conflict. Hyperion and Apollo are engaged in a similar battle with Thea remaining neutral. Coyus is the one responsible for the capture of the Oracle. Ipitus is in a similar confrontation with Hades over the realms of the dead. Several others are also free, Atlas, Menteaus, Pelos and of course Kronos who is free, but not yet whole. As the black tendrils of void start to overtake the final third of Persus’s body, another wave of the bident pulls the wispy demonic essences from around the temple to Hades. Once gathered he issues them back to the depths where they belonged. Nicolos asks if it would be possible to send a message to someone named Jace. Hades has the look of someone long patient and makes it clear that any message can be delivered in person in due course. Everyone dies, Jace resides among the Elysium fields, which is where any titan slayer will find respite. Ouroboros asks about Hades’ responsibilities, to which Hades replies again with long patient sufferance, that he is busy. He has responsibility over all the things that die, everything must have its place and it is his responsibility to make sure the dead are justly treated. As the last of the void encompasses Persus’s form, it seems to sink into the temple stones as if it were a shadow at noon. As I glance from the shadow to Hades, I see him turn and calmly walk back out of the temple gate, the sounds of chill wind returning filling the still void Hades is leaving behind. As if descending invisible stairs Hades fades from view out the temple gate.
Ozen who has been most quiet finally speaks and invites us all into the temple. Its then I notice that Lady Thalia sits somewhat slumped in fatigue just inside the temple, two vials at her feet, both have the barest remains of some golden ichor. Alexandra helps Thalia to her feet, and we move into the temple undercroft. Warm fires and that rich milky drink are to be had. The excitement of the Kobolds is frenetic, but many of us are exhausted and overwhelmed. Lady Thalia has enough presence of mind to ask for some help from the other kobolds to find the body of poor Gecky. After some time searching his frozen charred body is found and brought into the temple. Lady Thalia with the more somber kobolds, including Alu and Gox put the brave Gecky to his final rest. After the ceremony we all find places to sleep to let the crush of responsibility for this task to settle in our minds and spirits. Before I drift off, I needed to let you know that I love and miss you, my mother. I hope all is quiet with you and that the troubles of these Grecian shores have not found their way to you.
Yours always - Gyasi
A hike, a bath, and a surprise
I hope you can forgive the less than formal greeting, I’ve got to be quick to get this to you. My companions and I are in a bit of a tight spot. Let me explain how we got to here. A couple days ago we were at the dwarven city of Kor Vokos. After a little site seeing, we were invited to some sort of day’s end event the dwarves celebrate in their central square. There was a good deal of drinking, dancing, and general celebration. Dwarven drink is served chilled, and their music is highly rhythmic with minimal melody. Ouroboros engaged in some sort of group dance that was heavily made up with stomping, clapping, chest and thigh slapping and rhythmic grunting. It was both interesting and primitive. There was a fire circle where an elder was telling tales to the dwarven youth. Lady Alexandra say listening for quite some time, seeming to take in the tales raptly.
Lady Thalia was talking with the kobold trio, they seemed to spend some time in conversation with them ending in one of their own with a puffed-out chest and a squinted eye. I think I overheard something about “sorcerer” or “sorcery”, but I was becoming more distracted. Across the square there was a dwarven woman who was watching myself and the other companions. She seemed to ‘hover’ at the edge of conversations, engaging lightly, but mostly keeping track of us. When I started being able to pay attention again Thalia was asking the kobolds about their lady. According to the talkative one, Gecky I think, they came from someplace west of here, someplace warm. The lady is described as super beautiful with a complicated name that was difficult to pronounce correctly. Nicolos was talking with the various smiths and apprentices, he was fake drinking and poorly, but no one seemed to care much.
Silenos has engaged in a very silly competition. He’s currently trying to drink a stocky dwarven child under the table. That sort of thing never made any sense to me, but as you know we tend to have control issues (and some impulse control issues). After a few rounds of drinking, Silenos slowly slid off his hooves grasping tightly to the table leg as if he were at sea in a tempest. The dwarven child invited him to come back and try again. Ouroboros moved on from dancing to drinking. He made worse choices than Silenos, as his drink of choice was some sort of hard spirit the dwarves brew and his opponent was some craggy dwarf built like a stone block. The size difference at least kept it interesting, but eventually Ourobors too ended up holding onto the floor for dear life. I rounded up a wheelbarrow to get the pair of them home. After getting them back, cleaned up, and tucked in.
It took an hour or so to get those two sods into some blankets and mostly free of vomit. Lady Alex and Thalia had retired to their room, as I was headed to mine, Alexandra gestured Nicolos and I to join them. Seemed that Lady Alexandra thought it was a good idea to try and contact the Oracle again, while we have some comfort and protection. Lady Thalia isn’t very sanguine about the effort, but Alexandra is adamant. Pushing forward Alexandra enters whatever trance that incense helps create, in a few moments a sleeping Oracle inhabits Alexandra’s body. Presumably Alexandra is in her form. We three wake the oracle and question start. The only question the oracle answers directly is her name Phoebe. She would periodically spout some bit of prophecy causing some degrees of concern for the Nicolos and Thalia. I find myself starting to get dizzy as Thalia shakes the sleeping oracle. I was able to lend a small scrap of cloth to Thalia for her nose after the waking Alexandra headbutts her face. Not long there after I was asleep in the most profound way.
Entirely too early the dwarven prince arrived and introduces us to Thisbe. She is an expert on the various subterrane paths though the mountains in the region. After a brief introduction and some quick gathering of gear, we headed out. In addition to knowledge of the regions earthly passages, Thisbe seems to know a good deal about alchemy identifying a large patch of highly volatile mold growing on a section of rock wall. We spend the better part of the day making our way via tunnel and then overland south from Volkas back toward the coastal region along the spine of the mountains. We have three objectives: returning the trio of kobolds to their Lady which we suspect is a dragon, finding the remaining giant for Silenos’s labor, and obtaining the sky steel for Nicolos. We were far down the coast when Silenos felt the presence of a dragon, we decide to return the kobolds first as its likely the furthest travel. We’ll keep an eye open for giants of course, but not actively hunting them. I suggest saving the metal gathering until last as we don’t want to lug rocks around more the is needful.
It is interesting watching Silenos and Thisbe, they work well together sharing knowledge of terrain, taking turns leading the way as their expertise dictates. Both seem somewhat impressed with the other and their banter indicates some mutual interest. Ouroboros spends some time talking with the trio of kobolds about the lady, what their relationship is like, how they came to meet and so forth. They were far up the line, so I didn’t catch much of it. Lady Alexandra inquired if I had any pearls in my cache. I do have a mirror to the one I sent you, which I said she could have. It apparently is for some arcane casting, so I need to find something a bit less valuable next time we’re down near the shore. We push a little bit longer in the evening to reach a small grotto tucked into a niche high up on one of the mountains. I’m glad we did as it proved to be a great boon.
Inside the grotto was pool that had periodic steam plumes that created a heavy fog about the place. The water in the pool was deep enough for bathing and well heated by some process Thisbe tried to explain, but I didn’t follow; something to do with forges typical dwarven talk it seems. I much didn’t care as it was hot water and a chance for a good bath. Lady Thalia also took the pool as a good omen, not hesitating a moment to slip into the hot water with some actual soap. She encouraged Ouroboros to join as she started to help clean up Lady Alexandra. I was lounging with some help from my arcane paw to help rub those hard-to-reach places along the back and shoulders. Eventually the kobolds, Silenos and Ouroboros joined us in the water. Thisbe seemed somewhat reluctant despite much encouragement; she ends up going to look around. For a laugh, I arranged for my arcane paw to steal the small cloths of Ouroboros and tuck them up on shore with Lady Thalia’s things. Eventually Thisbe returns and as she’s turns to Silenos, that pesky paw just splashed her with water. That was enough to draw her into the pool, as she felt challenged. It was all fine and good until Ouroboros decided to float a bit on his back, he didn’t realize his small clothes were missing, the ship was at full mast. That got everyone out of the pool. Silenos and Thisbe end up talking about alchemy, herbalism, medicine, and related topics. Silenos shares some of his smoking leaf as they talk late into the night.
The following morning, I awake to find Silenos is out of the grotto, apparently doing a little hunting based on the goat he brings back. Lady Alexandra is out in the sunlight saying some prayers, Thalia is tucking her and Alexandra’s gear away for travel. After a significant breakfast and some preservation activities for the leftover goat, we head out. The kobolds seem excited about getting close to where the Lady is. Again, between Silenos and Thisbe the route is easy and by midafternoon we emerge out on a high mountain peak that is shrouded in clouds, biting cold, and gale winds. As we ease forward toward the actual peak, Silenos takes a moment to drawn on his perceptions. He can indeed sense the closeness of a dragon, which when spoken excites the kobolds significantly. He confesses he also sensed some sort of fiendish presence as well, much as he did when we were down at coastal village. A little less than an hour later, we see some ruins come into sight. Restraining the kobolds excitement becomes impossible as they sprint forward gabbling about the Lady. The ruins seem to be some sort of temple complex, a large retaining wall breached in places, several outbuildings partly crushed and fallen, and the temple or monastery which seems mostly intact.
As we approach and move through one of the breaches in the outer wall, we spy a tall pale woman. She’s dressed in a flowing white gown with long fingers. Really not weather appropriate. Initially all three kobolds dash forward and babble excitedly. The woman directs them to the temple, while she’s much more wary of us. Two of the three rush to the temple, the third, Gecky, starts, but stops and pauses near the lady with his head cocked. Many of the companions are engaged in dialog with the lady who seems not as friendly as one might imagine. Hedging our bet, I smile nod and move toward the temple as the Lady suggested. I specifically move in such a way as she mush focus her attention on me or the companions. That seems to decide something in her mind. In a supernaturally quick grasp, she grasps Gecky by the neck as her flesh and clothing split like a rotten melon. Growning up out of that body is a massive figure, thirty feet in height, who announces himself as the titan Persus, lord of destruction. With a wave of his hand a 100-foot wall of fire leaps up behind the companions cutting off any easy method of escape.
Several companions are near the transformed titan, the look of horror and fear is evident on their faces. I can’t say as I blame them. Despite her fear Lady Alexandra summons her arcane fist and strikes Persus a significant blow and slides to the flank while he’s distracted. Silenos dashes around Persus and takes a couple of shots from his rear connecting, but with minimal effect. Nicolos grasps his forge hammer and summons his cloud of cyclopean spirits moving forward so they can strike at Persus. They seem to connect but it’s a minimal effect. I dash in, strike, and get out; I’m not sure the blow had more effect than anything else tried so far. I’m looking at Persus and suddenly he’s not there, he seems to stretch and with an audible pop he’s thirty feet away amongst the other companions. Into one of his massive hands, he seems to summon a great black flanged mace, in a less frightening moment I might ask where he was holding that, implying that might be why he’s in a bad mood. A moment later I wasn’t thinking about anything much as a wave of crackling electricity moves in a wave around Persus. As I recover from that I see him drop the charred and smoking body of Gecky to the cold stone and I hear him issue a barking howl mixed with caustic laughter. Appearing from the darkened corners of the ruins massive forms appear. They are multi armed monsters, nearly twice my height with long muzzles filled with sharp teeth and skin the color of night. Ouroboros snarls his defiance and lets loose with a flurry of punches, to which Persus responds with a mild chuckle and taunts the son of Zeus. Before our eyes, we can see the wounds, as such, close and heal before our very eyes. He further replies to Ouroboros by biting, punching, and lashing out with that massive mace. Ouroboros is rocked but stands firm with a posture of defiance. Lady Thalia lets loose with a golden lance of light, which Persus side steps. This does allow her the opportunity to slip closer to me, as the companions spread out. Unfortunately, while turning Persus’s tail slaps Nicolos sending him flying a dozen feet back. Thisbe notes that the other buildings are recently ruined, but for some reason the temple is still untouched. She makes for the temple, suggesting we do as well.
Silenos moves quickly toward the temple, calling out something in Artemis’s name before shooting with a bit more effect. Persus does, what Lady Alexandra has explained to be a warping of time, vanishing, and reappearing back close to his original position. Another storm of lightning, several of the companions are struck, all remain standing, but much worse for wear. I summon a globe of friendly darkness, which blinds the beasts which have drawn down on Thalia and I. Striking one and moving, I goad them into attacking me, buying Thalia some time to maneuver. I can tell you these minions hit like nothing I’ve ever experienced; I can’t imagine how Ouroboros took the blows from Persus himself. Nicolos moves toward the temple pauses to cast something which infused several of the companions with a brief golden light. Immediately thereafter a brighter flame leap from his palm to strike Persus. That flame seemed to do a bit more than expected. While I was busy dodging between dog faces, I heard a thunderclap from behind me. I expected more lightning, a quick glance let me catch the moment that Ouroboros vanished and reappeared near Nicolos at the temple entrance. Persus laid about him with fangs, claws, and tail. He struck at Alexandra, Thisbe, and Thalia twice. Thalia fell to the ground unconscious a dozen yards from where she had been. Thisbe dashed over to Silenos and Alexandra moved to the temple, stopping short turning and calling forth a shimmering sphere of sunlight that scorched Persus.
I flew to Thalia and using father’s gift, moved her into the temple. I turned letting my shroud of darkness hide the entrance from the minions. Nicolos cast a healing spell; I could feel the warming glow of it move through me. Silenos and Thisbe share some sort of conversation, but it was drowned out by the chittering howl of the titan’s minions. Silenos vanished in a puff and mist, appearing in the temple a moment later, leaving Thisbe alone against a pair of minions. Those minions wasted no time battering Thisbe, thankfully the darkness hampered them, and I could provide some direction for her. Moments later I slide my eyes back to Persus. He vanishes again reappearing outside the blinding sphere of Alexandra and summoned a bolt of lightning flinging it at me and into the temple behind me. I was able to dodge thanks to father’s boots. A heartbeat later I was grabbed by the leg by Thisbe who dragged me toward the temple. She also flung out and arm and tackled lady Alexandra into the temple. The remaining kobolds slammed the doors shut.
We’re here in the main temple, a large statue of Athena at the front, with other shrines scattered to the sides. We can see the snarling minions’ stalks past the windows, and we can hear Persus howl outside alternating between threats, promises and manic laughter. I’m not sure when I’ll have a chance to write again, I feel confident I could flee if needs be, but that would mean leaving crew behind, and I’m loath to do that. Perhaps the kobold’s Lady is still here, they mentioned something about a basement. Maybe the common enemy of Persus will give us enough common ground for the alliance. I love you mother and will write again once we are safe.
A Legend Unearthed
<This letter unwraps with a thumb sized perfectly round black pearl nestled in the tube of paper>
Greetings from the dark heart of the mountain fastness of Kor Vokos, my most honored mother. I hope this letter finds you well, and please accept this small token of my love and devotion.
As I last wrote we strived against the giants of fire and were able in the end to bring them low. In the aftermath of conflict, Nicolos wasted no time in calling for water to quest the gold and bronze hunk of metal the giants were doing something with. He very much reminds me of the cats at the wharf when the fishwives start to filet the days catch, tossing the scraps to their waiting mouths. I would have sworn any moment he would start to dance; such was his excitement. Not far away our hunter Silenos and lady Thalia set about collecting the bounty Sparta placed on all giant kind, ears were taken as token and proof.
It was during these efforts the captive of the giants approached the companions, asking if we would like to visit their city of Kor Vokos. At first the companions were concerned about the various tasks set before them and getting them done as quickly as possible. It didn’t take much to see the shock and disappointment on the dwarven visages. A manic Nicolos assured them we would be most honored to come, as he wished to learn more of their smithcraft. The other companions relented starting to share in Nicolos’s excitement. What caught my attention is they had said no overlander had been there in over 1,000 years. That would make any small craft, trinket or good highly valuable due to its rarity. One must live, mustn’t one.
As we started packing to traverse the wilds, several things happened. First was that Lady Thalia started to converse with the small lizards that Lady Alexandra called Kobolds. These creatures inferred that they were captured while in service to some sort of Dragon. They behave like kittens, and I suspected at the time they exaggerated in a similar fashion. A few moments later Silenos gave proof that perhaps I was mistaken. Amongst the remains of the leader of the fire giants, he found a glimmering pearlescent scale. This scale was easily as big as my hip, which makes it a large scale indeed. When showing it to Nicolos, who is the companion’s expert of smith worthy materials, I was able to overhear it was big enough to be perhaps made into some sort of shield. He also in turn had him look at that vile axe he took from the site of the staked sacrifices. Nicolos recognized it as an axe devoted to Ares, one that would provide some divine influence on combat. He was also able to say that Silenos wasn’t cursed ad we feared. It was about that time Thalia and her new friends approached and discussions returned to the large scale. The endearing creatures were introduced as Alu, Gox, and Gecky. They also firmly declared the scale not to be draconic. Sadly, they did it with all the believability of a kitten with a bit of tail sticking out of its mouth, claiming it knew not where to find the mouse. At least it confirmed the origin. Owing to shared captivity, Thalia’s adoption and basic kindness, the dwarves also elected to bring the Kobolds along on our journey.
It turns out that while Silenos knows the mountains well, the dwarves know them as if they were their own homes. We were led to paths wedged into rock chimneys that we would have never otherwise spotted and sure as sunset, we arrived outside a semi-underground cavern. I say semi as there were a few gaps allowing natural light to pierce the caverns, but the bulk of it lay in fire light splendor. I’ve had opportunity to see some impressive sights, few match the majesty of the buildings wrought by these dwarves. I don’t think even the splendors you described of the Temples of Karnak measure up. The great door was an impressive sight, a massive bas-relief of Vulcan, the dwarvern adaptation of Hephaestus. Everywhere were items with ornate carvings, geometric patterns, worked gemstones, and metallic gilt. The central fortress looked siege proof, and that’s where we eventually headed.
Our guide was the rescued dwarf, Klatis. He led us into the city through the artisan quarter to what could only be the royal quarter. The guards were decked out with axes, hammers, thick shields, and most importantly this armor made of overlapping plate, almost like a scarab in its hard shell. Some of the nobility (for I can only assume them to be such), wore impressively intricate plaited beards with polished gemstones worked into them. We were eventually stopped by a royal guard whose name I think was Embrus. He seemed quite disapproving, but eventually relented ushering us to see the dwarven king. Introductions abound as does a multiple person recounting of the saving of Klatis and his associates, but some general information from the outside world as well. The king seemed reluctant to believe, and some of his court were down right dismissive. They are even going so far as to examine some of the captured ears Silenos and Thalia took. One of the dwarven princes Heberos spoke up and not long after we were escorted to a fine place to stay which was well appointed. The nobles wanted to speak and debate some and we were to wait.
Not knowing how long it would be, Nicolos couldn’t wait any longer, and eagerly set out to find the smiths of this dwarven home. Ouroboros quickly volunteered to go with him as well. Once they’d left, I took the liberty to slip out a second story window to do some exploring of my own. That eventually led me to the market, where the profusion of stones was amazing. I took a few samples against future need. That’s where I found the black pearl contained in this missive. I hope it serves you well. Not long after I returned home to one of the most impressive sights of transformation I’ve ever seen. Apparently, the Lady Thalia coaxed manners and a semblance of patience from the erstwhile kobolds. They were playing some sort of board game.
Not long after my own return, Silenos also returned, apparently on a mission of his own. Lady Alex indicated we had missed the prince’s return, and he was going to speak with us in the morning. Several others are headed to a tavern for the evening, I on the other hand am writing you while I have a chance and am. Before I headed out, I noted that Nicolos had fashioned quite an impressive shield of that dragon’s scale for good Silenos. It was wonderful to behold.
Good night mother mine, I remain as always your devoted son.
The Lair of Fire
Good evening honored matriarch,
I’ve found an interesting spot to pen this most recent missive. Rather than a comfortable spot in the sun, or near the warmth of a fire, I find myself writing by lava light in a cave. How I came to be here is a story worth sharing and so I shall. At the time of my last letter, we had dealt successfully with some tribesmen from the foothills, leaving a pair to be questioned. As one might imagine, being interrogated by someone who has most recently used you as a blunt object is terribly effective.
The tribesmen were all members of a cult of Ares, the Greek god of war. They had accumulated over time, not all or even mostly coming from the region specifically. The cultists were all quite proud, insisting that we had won by luck. This didn’t sit well with our newest companion, Silenos, who opted to put a 3-foot shaft through the hand of cultist by demonstration of skill. It apparently changed his mind about ‘luck’, who’d have guessed? Ouroboros was very convincing to rally these cultists to be prepared to fight and defeat the cult of the Titans. I didn’t even know there was a cult of the Titans, but that would make sense in context. In addition to promises to spread the word and be prepared, the Ares cultists had seen giants in the near territories but had steered a wide berth; can’t say as I blame them. One also claimed in days past to have seen a fireball from the heavens strike high up in the peaks. His companion seemed to have some doubts. After Ouroboros and the others wrang dry of information the cultists, they were sent on their way. Limping, broken, and bleeding they headed on.
We decided to travel on for a couple of hours ourselves to put some distance between the site of the ambush and our night’s camp. As we decided on a likely spot, lady Alexandra conjured a shell of some sort made of captured sunlight. The exterior of the shell looked like nothing more than a slightly smoother than normal boulder, but on the inside, it was quite pleasant and entirely transparent. She could apparently regulate who could enter the shell, giving an opportunity to tease Ouroboros and to test his strength against the magical shell. As I’ve written, Ouroboros can punch landing Herculean blows. He hit this shell with enough might to rattle even his massive arms, and not one crack appeared to us on the inside. I wonder how this would work as a shelter at sea. It could be a useful trick to learn. Once we were all hunkered inside, Lady Alexandra looked to be sending messages through the ether. Nothing unusual there until Lady Thalia asked to send one to her self-defined Muse on our ship. I can’t say I was able to hear the precise nature of the message, but I can assume it was tantalizing given the flushed state it seemed to inspire in lady Alexandra. Beyond that the night past quietly, bug and morning dew free; a blessing to be had in the mountains or so I gather.
The following day was met with mostly easy travel thanks in large measure to the efforts of Silenos. He does know his business with respect to ranging the mountains. Just past mid-day on a high promontory we came to a desecrated picturesque clearing. The view was magnificent, the whole of the Spartan valley down to the sea lay stretched out before us to the south, to the north tucked in between nearer peaks we could see the start of the mighty Arcadian Forest. Marring the view was the stench and buzzing insects accompanying the 43 bodies staked out in the warm mountain sun. They weren’t all that pleasant to look at either, some had been there a bit long. They were an odd lot of humans, people of mixed elven descent, and some smaller lizard like creatures. Lady Alexandra said they were kobolds and more common to the lands to the east as a scavenger caste. All of them were killed else where struck with large clubs and staked here, apparently as a sacrifice to Ares. Scattered amongst the bodies were a few cast off personal effects: a symbol for the cult of Kronos the Titan, a holy symbol of Artemis the hunter, and a crudely formed obsidian axe that seemed to seethe with ill intent. Alexandra suggested leaving the cult items and the axe as it could be cursed. Silenos apparently doesn’t believe in curses as he added the thing to his pack. As we wrapped up, Ouroboros broke himself out of some revery and came to look over the bodies. I assisted him with placing a coin under the tongues of the dead in the Greek fashion as he said a few words over the bodies. With one last look back down over the Spartan Valley we all moved on.
Near the end of the day, Perseus, Sileno’s companion bird came to light upon a bald spire of rock. Silenos seemed to commune with the bird, and was shown a massive footprint written in the soft bit of soil in the lee of the rock. The tread was massive, at least as long as a man. Worse, it was a booted foot, a metal shod boot of some sort at a guess. While I know little to nothing about tracks, booted or not, I do understand a bit about height from my time at sea. Often, we’re called on to estimate the distance to or size of a ship as it appears at the horizon. Using Ouroboros as a guide I was able to estimate the giant to be at least twenty feet in height, a bit smaller than the grey skinned ones we faced in the Spartan arena. The tread however, proved it to be a stouter weightier body. As you know during one of my voyages I visited the island of Sicily, on which is a smoking mountain. One evening at one of the taverns, I recall sharing cups with a local sage of sorts who spoke at length of some of the mountain kin, specifically giants. There is a breed of giant with a strong affinity to fire, who had been glimpsed near that far distant land. I can surmise this might be the same creature. The sage indicated they tended to be of dark skin, fire-colored brows, and hair. They are craftsman of some repute, forging huge, blackened weapons and suits of armor. I shared with the others what I could remember from the sage’s discourse, sadly it wasn’t more in depth. While we were investigating the foot falls, Silenos sent his companion to range ahead and soon Perseus returned with news. Speaking in the tongue of beasts they seemed to confer for some time, and then Silenos shared that the giant had been spotted going into a cave not far away. A stream of molten stone streamed forth from the mouth of the cave and a sulfury stench wafted from the cave entrance.
The companions and I broke into two groups with Silenos, Ouroboros and myself scouting ahead to see what we were dealing with. Inside we were first greeted by the sound of a massive hammer striking something equally massive in the distance. It was hard to pinpoint as caves echo sounds, it seemed to fall off every rock in sight. We also saw two other people in the cave. One was another of those small lizard Kobold creatures who seemed very apprehensive, the other a dwarf who was working on something. While Silenos and I scouted the divergent passages Ouroboros had a slightly closer look at what the dwarf was working on. It seemed he was trying to quietly fashion some sort of weapon from the more mundane mining equipment. It wasn’t long in the cave before we could hear some massive footfalls approaching as one of the giants lumbered closer. Soon he bellowed like a dire camel something in the tongue of giants, the kobold and dwarf snapped back to work, digging in the cave walls. With an air of disgust, he moved back into the cave, having heard the renewed pitch of the work. After a brief consultation, Ouroboros and Silenos went back to fetch the other companions, I skulked a bit, gathered more information and then awaited their return. Once I saw the shadows writhe near the mouth of the cave, I suspected the companions approached under the aegis of Silenos’s magic. I shared a silent message with Lady Alexandra sharing what else I’d seen. At that point we knew that one of the lesser giants was across a stone bridge. The leader and smith lay up some stone stairs on the east side of the cave. He was massive, covered in black serrated plates festooned with sharp spines. Near him while he hammered were two great shields equally black and equally adorned with spikes. A third giant could be heard, but I wasn’t able to put an eye to him specifically.
With that I whisper spoke in the tongue of giants, to the dwarf telling him it was time to flee and that he and his companion should make noise in doing so. After a brief attestation of thanks to Vulcan, he grabbed his lizard companion by the shoulder near the neck and dragged him out of the cave. He shouted disparagements which angered the giants in the adjoining cavern rooms. Lady Alexandra rushed quickly to spill a bag of small round metal spheres across the floor at a choke point from the cavern nearest the leader smith. With a roar the smith charged in from one side, while his companion rushed in and vaulted from the stone bridge into the river of lava as we would a cool stream. The chieftain hit the patch of spheres and toppled back landing on his backside, somewhat stunned. That was too good an opportunity for me to miss, so I approached stabbed the giant through a chink just under the arm, then I rolled across his chest and out of the line of potential fire; and immediate reach. Silenos moved to a high spot in the entrance cavern, loosed two shafts which skipped off the thick metallic plate of the downed giant. Ouroboros stepped closer and clouted the giant after pulling his shielding arm to the side. Ouroboros’s arms flared with a ruddy crimson light and chains of molten fire encompassed the arms of the smith binding him. Nicolos summoned forth his cloud of cyclopean spirits to ward the center of the cavern. The smith stood, shaking off the impact with the ground. He uttered in giant something about how he gave Ouroboros his gift and that the bindings wouldn’t hold him. With a flex of tree trunk sided arms, he flexed and the firey chains shattered and were drawn into the now visible crimson trails down the face of the smith’s two shields. Grinning most wickedly the smith surged forward paired shields together, narrowly missing Ouroboros but knocking back Alexandra and Nicolos.
On the far side of the room from my vantage, I saw the stream jumping giant wheel about to all the commotion and he regained the bridge coming closer. Lady Alexandra utter some sort of incantation and he vanished entirely. She then slowly crawled into the lee of a large rock, blood, and bruises visible in the wain torch light. Thalia struck with an arcane attack, at first the smith’s head was wreathed in a soft lavender light, moments later an emerald sheen washed the smith from head to toe, locking it in place more stoutly than Ouroboros’s fiery manacles had managed. Nicolos stagged back to his feet, moving close to check on Alexandra. He summoned some tendrils of healing power and caused both his and Alex’s wounds to mend at least in part. Up the corridor behind from whence the giant smith came the third giant lumbered into view stopping shy of a narrow choke point. I dashed forward and placed a small tool of mine on the ground and a fluted Grecian column rose in the middle of the choke point, I then slipped up to the paralyzed smith. I had a moment to peer and see a gap in the side plate, likely due to his slip and fall. I was able to drive my blade deep, letting its dark magic work on the giant who was quietly still thereafter.
Ouroboros called on the giant to yield, but it would not. With a mighty heave it toppled my pillar knocking it out of the way and striking the giant. The giant replied in kind, first attempting to grab Ouroboros to no effect, then smashed him to the floor with a shoulder bash. Seeing a bit of that back exposed gave me a chance to move with some haste and come up behind the fiery giant. I was able to stab him and back off some distance taunting him in the process. What could only be at the behest of Nicolos, a cyclopean construct appeared in the narrows with the giant. At nearly the same time Ouroboros struck the giant about the legs, chest, and face. With his final blows his gauntleted hands glowed with a spectral radiance, the final punch to the giant’s face launched him backwards. The giant was struck hard enough I had to dodge out of the way, narrowly missing. As I came rolling to my feet I noticed the ring on Ouroboros’s hand glowing with a pale blue light, like the eldritch light you sometimes see along a mast. It was then that Lady Alexandra explained that the giant she made vanish would be back before long and we needed to be ready. We each gathered ourselves in places of ambush and laid it low very quickly.
And that dearest mother is how I ended up, in a cave writing by lava light. I hope this letter finds you well. I need to find Nicolos and let him know I spied an odd lump of metal, gold in hue with veins of bronze resting in the central pit of this cavern. I promise to write more soon.
Your loving son
Into the mountains
Good evening to you mother mine,
I hope that you are well and that your day was untroubled. Mine finds me leaning against some rocks in a high mountain pass in the mountains bordering Sparta, some of the other companions are about to start asking some questions of some wild-eyed zealots of some sort. I’ll get to them in time, rest assured.
With the last letter we had returned to the Persian vampire princess and her bodyguard. They were resigned and reluctant but revealed to Lady Alexandra that which she sought. My understanding of such things is limited, but apparently it was something built by Alexander’s trusted man Hephestian. It’s a vital secret as I’m given to understand and will need to be treated with due care. On out way out after Lady Alex had her review and examination of the large runic circle, Ouroboros took a moment and waded into the water of the pool in those caves. He submerged himself and drank a double handful of the water. If you could see his hands, you’d know what an extraordinary feat that is. He later indicated his father directed him to as an abatement for the curse placed on him. It must have worked, based on what took place later. After we recovered and hid the cave entrance again, we returned the vessel and returned to ‘Sparta’ proper. Several of us picked up items for a journey into the mountains while Thalia had some discussions with the Spartan Kings. A quiet night followed, and we set out the following morning.
Our purpose is two-fold: the goddess Artemis has tasked Silenos with seeing slain two giants recently released into the mountains near Sparta; Nicolos has been asked to find some metal born of the sky and fallen to earth which is also in the mountains. Our initial foray went quietly enough. Silenos spent the bulk of his time in advance of the companions, while I trailed the back keeping an eye on where we’d been. Mostly we’ve able to follow a footpath of sort that leads up the valley and into the foothills and then the mountains themselves. We did see an interesting sight; I wish I could share with you. There was a rock outcrop that resembled nothing more than a gigantic tooth lodged into the very soil. Nicolos shared a tale of a mighty battle where Zeus himself knocked the very tooth loose from the rending maw of an immense giant. That tooth eventually becoming the very rock we saw. True or not, it was an interesting story and one worth retelling.
Several hours later we came to the narrows of the pass itself in the opening the terrain became more barren rock than hill or grassland. A large lumpy pillar of stone stood centrally in the mouth of the pass. As we approached a great booming voice called on us to lay out belongings at the base of the pillar and begone lest we earn the wrath of the gods. After the letters so far, I’m sure you can imagine how that went over. Nicolos conjured a small pillar of flame at the base of the rock and his voice boomed over the narrows echoing and sounded quite frightening. He abjured the charlatan and asked who dared stand in the way of the Demi Thots. That’s the name the companions call themselves as a group. THOT has some specific meaning which honestly, I’ve forgotten. At least its not something trite like the Black Company, the Radiant Host, or Glorious Bastards. At the rear I didn’t get much of a view forward, but a couple of the companions said they saw something fly off with orangish wings of some sort and was quite large. Just as well really. A brief while later on near the throat of the pass we came onto a large spill of rocks that filled the pass. The spill rose up on either side close to 100 feet and it made a complete wall save a miraculous ten-foot oculus about fifty feet up that went neatly though the whole pile.
Silenos tried climbing up and setting handholds for the other companions to follow. I couldn’t see well what happened, but the immediate spill of rocks was all the warning needed to move out of the way as the rocks shifted, nearly burying several of the companions. Just as we started to examine what to do now, a hoard of wild-eyed fanatics jumped up along the ridge. They bellowed incoherently charging and jumping down the slope with massive trunk sized clubs banded in bronze. From where I was standing, I couldn’t see what was going on with Silenos, but he sounded occupied. I know in moments the rest of us were to be sure.
The tribes’ men landed some blows and missed others, surrounding us in our surprise. This would turn out to be much to their detriment. Not far away I saw Lady Alexandra encase her left arm in a green and black arcane gauntlet that seemed to leech the very essence from one of her foes. Wherever it touched, rot and decay followed, while she appeared haler and invigorated. Lady Thalia reached out with a gentle seeming touch to two of the other hillmen, and at the last moment I spied the black and green telltales of some spell, and you could see the strong arms of the hillmen wither visibly. I could hear frustrated grunts coming from far ahead, Silenos must have been posing some hardship for his attackers. Would that I could have seen it. Likely as not they found out he’s deadly with his bow.
Nicolos called forth his cyclopean forge spirits and they assaulted the bulk of the hillmen. None seemed prepared to contend with that and several stumbled in wracking pain. I extricated myself from a point of entrapment at the rear of the companions and shrouded myself with shadow. Bad for the hillmen I could see just fine, but for them it was as pitch as a starless, moonless midnight. Perhaps the most impressive was our recently anointed Ourorboros who seized one of the surrounding thugs and quite literally used him as a club to bash his follows. The feat of athletics was astounding. In moments the hillmen had gone from canny highwaymen to a group in a dire struggle for survival.
I could watch the panic rise in the nearest hillman as he fled past me, I gave him a good cut to speed his travels. The flock of spirits faded, and, in the distance, I could hear the rough grinding of rocks followed by a shriek of pain and the wet breaking sound of a limb breaking. I wasn’t sure what Nicolos had done until later when I saw Silenos being followed by a quintet of boulders acting like cats at feeding time. Lady Thalia must have moved, because she was no longer standing in the fray, but was on the nearby cliff looking into the floor of the pass. It was a few moments later when I saw just the very top of one of the thug’s heads come back into view as Ouroboros continued to flail his companions. At some point I heard the wet meaty thud of someone coming to his end. I trailed after my prey and dispatched him. On my rise over the cliff’s edge, I caught sight of another who’d opted to quit the field, but it was far too late for such things, perched on a high boulder I stabbed him in the shoulder, ending his assault.
From there I had an excellent vantage as Ouroboros quite literally pitched his flailing man club at one of his fellow hillmen, sending them sprawling into a cascade of stunned tangled limbs. That seemed to suck the remaining fight out of the two tribesmen. I could see Thalia looking on down the pass where I caught the briefest motion of another hillman fleeing. Its hard to outpace a cat when it is intent on its prey. After I returned to see the others rounding up Ouroboros’ toys, it seemed like a good opportunity to write you, since they’ll likely be at the questioning a while.
As always, I remain your loving son,
The dark princess
Greetings and warmest wishes oh spectacular and transcendent matriarch,
It has been a challenging couple of days since I last wrote. The companions have had a challenging time, success entwined with moral torment. I suppose I should start by where I left off. After a few moments sitting near the damp stone wall to catch my breath, the other companions had questions for the survivor Philion. During the questioning the helot nearly died, so weak was his constitution after being the plaything of these creatures. Nicolos tended to him and helped him into our boat, surrounded by the water putting him at ease. While the companions cared for Philion, I examined the creatures lair for clues to their nature or history. I found several more of those wooden boxes called coffins. Each inscribed with a series of names, as if they were repurposed several times. There was also a stone seemingly marked with tallies by chisel or talon, well over 200 marks. I know not if they measure days, years, or some other measure. As will become apparent later, the thought of years is less laughable than you might expect.
Our companion Silenos moved quietly up an unexplored passage, hearing muffled voices he returned. He and I stalked into the darkness, well less dark for us than others. Lady Thalia and the bird companion are not made for quiet. Getting closer I was able to note the conversation was between a man and a woman. Both speaking the Persian tongue, thankfully I’ve a gift for language thanks to father’s auspice. I was able to steal my way closer I was able to see the speakers. The man was dressed in the Spartan fashion, less the iconic helm and shield. The other was a veiled woman, in more Persian style, with a belt festooned with various pouches and vials. It seemed to indicate a magus of some sort perhaps. They stood in some improbably lush wild space, water and moonlight filtering in from a rock chimney of some height.
Silenos and I slinked back to the other companions. We imparted what we saw and overheard. Ladies Thalia and Alexandra, and Ouroboros would approach the pair directly to converse. Silenos and I would move to an adjacent space under the cover of silence to observe and flank should it go to confrontation. Lady Thalia acted and the herald for the companions. There was a good deal of back and forth we eventually settled on some truths. The creatures we encountered are spawns of the woman. She claimed to be the princess Drypetis of Persia, daughter of Darius, the wife to Alexander’s most trusted companion Hephestian. I don’t know much of that history, but Lady Alexandra seemed convinced as was Thalia. Drypetis indicated that she lives beyond death as a creature of night. She called her kind a vampire. She created the creatures, called spawn, we encountered on our arrival. They survive by drinking the blood of sentients. She indicated that the problems Nicolos and others found in the village, wain youth near unto death, were caused by one of her former spawns who stole free will and broke with Drypetis. The end of the dialogue resulted in us undertaking the silencing of this creature known as Nicomeadus; in exchange she would share the secret of Alexander that she’s been guarding for years untold. This is expected to be the arcane circle that Alexandra has been tasked to seek. Drypetis told us of how to slay her kind so that we could better cope with Nicomeadus.
With that the companions retreated leaving the Princess and her bodyguard to their own means. It became time to discuss the possibility of outcomes for Philion. He’d been in this cave complex as an aperitif for some time. He knew of the creatures who reside here and that would be their undoing. It would also spell an end to the guardianship of the arcane secret. The companions were split about what they should do. Some wanted to turn Philion free, others suggested turning him back over to the Princess’s ministrations, likely condemning him to replace her recently deceased spawn. Other’s counseled let him pass from this world quietly. However, as was warned by Drypetis we would need to burn the body lest it rise from the grave. Round and round the companions spoke of freedom, choice, fate and lofty things. For myself I could only think of Amos. Amos was a deck hand and carpenter on my voyage to the isle of Sicily. After a storm one of the seams of our ship started taking on water, Amos after patching internally was lowered over the side so he could patch the exterior. His harness slipped in the choppy water, sliding him along the hull where some barnacles sliced into his feet and calf. Over the next week Amos’s came struck with a fever, and his wounds wept and limbs swelled. It wasn’t long until we could see the faint green and dark veins of the rot. He was sick, not likely to recover, but if he had any hope at all it would mean both his feet and one leg. The crew myself included were wracked with what to do for Amos. It was finally the captain who decided to shoulder this choice, and he quickly and carefully slit Amos’s neck, letting him pass from this world into the next. The captain explained that sometimes doing nothing was the greater unkindness. We said words over Amos’s body and sent him to the depths.
Just as I was reflecting on this, I could see Ouroboros attempting to explain the situation to Philion. He became more and more freightened, panicked, trying to back away and flailing about. In his panic he fell over the side. Ouroborus suggested we all look away for a moment, at the same time the spectral hand of Alexandra appeared and pulled Philion to the depths of the pool. Several people tried to pry him free, but the arcane hand was mightier. Seeing the wisdom and kindness in the act, I sped the water into Philion’s lungs, drawing his misery to a close. I hope he finds a peace he didn’t know in life. Nicolos wasn’t very happy with the entire situation but agreed to perform some rites to lay him to rest before we put him to the pyre. With smoke billowing in the cavern, we ascended the river course and out of the complex.
The companions all needed some space to consider next steps. Some went to the temple to check on the other victims and to relay a warning about burning the dead. We later find out the Ouroboros found a lead to the villainous Nicomeadus. Silenos and I went in search of the son of Philion. I explained I was a sailor recently come to port and that we’d found a body adrift in the bay. It had been savaged and gnawed upon as happens to bodies at sea. I explained that I’d found this moonstone ring, that I’d come across, clutched in his hand. It felt like the right thing to return it. Hopefully it will buy some peace with his father’s fate and some comfort for some time.
We all eventually found ourselves back at the Temple to Apollo. That’s when we’d learned that Ouroboros had found the lair of Nicomeadus. The hour was in the twilight, and we had been told to see him during the day when he was most vulnerable. Ouroboros didn’t want to wait. Several others wanted to go the following morning when we would have the advantage. Much discussion went back and forth eventually leading to Ouroboros accepting the delay. Silenos communed with Artemis and verified that he sensed the waking dead, fiends and dragons within a mile of the port. This was disturbing indeed.
The following morning, we went to the villa Ouroboros told us of. I volunteered to have a bit of a peek and see. There were normal household activities going on, but there was an upper floor suite that seemed to be shrouded. Lowering myself over the side the villa, I was able to tease open the window and slip the curtains apart to peer inside. As a blade of light stretched across the room, the form of a man rose screaming in pain from the sheets. Acting quickly, I dove inside and thrust a wooden stake into his chest as we had been bidden to do by Princess Drypetis. It seemed to do nothing. I equally quickly dove out the window, catching the whole of the curtains and ripping them free as I dove. The massive influx of light caused Nicomeadus to scream even louder and flail about himself. The Lady Alexandra must have heard because in moments the shining light of Apollo bloomed up in the chamber showering it with radiance. Now smoking with tongues of fire licking up from his flesh, Nicomeadus dove from his room into the central courtyard. He rolled through the small pool and fountain and wedged himself between the wall and ceiling as his flesh knit. I know not who, but one or more of the companions struck Nicomeadus with radiant blasts, further igniting him. Howling in pain and panic Nicomeadus fled into the morning, eventually ending as a statue of quickly crumbling ash. Lying in the pile of ash was an amulet of some sort dedicated to Hades, which we felt would serve as proof of deeds done.
With evidence in hand, we returned to the halls of Drypetis and were eventually shown to a space beyond verdant cover where a circle of some import had been inscribed into the living rock and filled with metal. Lady Alexandra confirmed this was the object she’d been tasked to seek. Further three puzzle boxes of some sort that served as keys were given into her care. Drypetis indicated she would remain and continue to guard her charge. We’re not certain what’s next, nor how everyone feels in light of events, but another task is complete.
I miss you daily and look forward to my eventual return.
Secrets in the dark
Most honored matriarch,
I’m resting here leaning against a cool damp cave wall while I catch my breath. It has been an eventful couple of days here in Sparta. When last I wrote the giants has been laid low and my companion Ouroboros was raised from helot to free man. As you might imagine most of the following evening was spent deep in our cups in celebration of both heroic feats. Notably absent was our newest companion Silenos. He seemed very anxious about the appearance of these giants. I’d imagine it hinges on his own god given task. Perhaps he’s taken himself to a temple or glade shrine to entreat for guidance.
An interesting thing did happen on our way to our cups after the events described. Do you remember the Spartan, Desmeth, I told you of who beat and abused Ouroboros when he returned as a helot? As is common of the type, he had friends who got in their mind Ouroboros may have had something to do with the legal trouble their leader finds himself in. Oddly, Ouroboros knew nothing of it at the time. I’ve since filled my companion in on the unfortunate series of events that befell that good man. In any event, these 4 Spartan thugs approached our somewhat worse for wear group and threatened Ouroboros. Just as we started to shake fatigue out of our limbs, a small handful of more senior Spartan citizens intervened. They stood between our groups and gave the thugs a solid dressing down. Far enough down that one of the thugs lost several teeth to the leading edge of a Spartan shield. It was very entertaining. We repaired to the Leche Garden to celebrate events over some wine. The proprietor, Sessis, had heard of Ouroboros’s success and he drank for free. After a few moments of regaling the good barman with the stories of the giants, he stepped out into the streets to much shock. After weighing our own deeds considering the twenty odd feet of dead giant visible from his front door, we too drank free. Stories were told and shared, we had an interesting chat with Ouroboros’s competition one Beyan of Argos.
Suffice to say it was a late morning as we were all somewhat fragile. Lady Alexandra had a few leads and was able to cross off a few others based on the documents I found at the king’s abode. However, it felt like mostly dead ends and not a path forward. She hatched a notion of perhaps speaking with the fallen king. She apparently can call the spirit back for a brief time and coax it into answering some questions for her. Plan in hand we headed for the tomb mount in central Sparta. We somberly entered and passed into the main central chamber. Lady Alex and Thalia went forward to leave offerings to Hades and speak with the care takers. I’m sure Alexandra did most of the looking and Thalia did most of the distracting, that seems to be the way of things. Ouroboros and I waited in the small annex to the main chamber. After several minutes Lady Alex appeared, she and Ouroboros disappearing a moment later. Following in the wisdom of many a deck hand, grab a nap while you can. I say and doze against the wall until there was sudden movement near by and the companions headed up out of the tomb.
The rest of us are regaled with a story of talking with the dead king of Sparta. His spirit suggested searching near the port village. A cave warded and guarded by some ancient evil was his suggestion. We all stopped and picked up our kits and headed back down toward the port. It was about then that Silenos returned from his commune with Artemis. The goddess of the hunt indicated that the giants of his task would be unique and likely leading others of the type we’d faced. Excellent food for thought, no? As we traveled, we had several discussions about how best to proceed. Several went into the village to ask questions and gather stories and rumors. Silenos, his feathered companion and I would search along the river for a cave entrance. Silenos felt certain we’d find them close to the river itself. Several hours of searching did indeed lead to a cavern entrance clogged with fallen debris. We cleared a small entrance, enough for his companion to fly in and observe. A goodly long while passed before the creature reappeared. He seemed to indicate cause for concern. Silenos mimed having a more involved conversation with his companion for my benefit. It was cute, but he has much to learn about talking with predators; I do appreciate the effort though.
We started to clear more of the rocks from the entrance after we entreated with his companion to alert the others in town, and to have them bring a rowboat of some sort. I truly hate moving rocks, reminds me too much of shifting ballast and loads in the hold. I must admit to letting Silenos do the bulk of the work. As the afternoon worked it’s way to the midpoint the rest of the companions found us. The cleared entrance revealed a tumbled mix of rocks and foaming water leading into the darkness. Several of the others manned oars or served as lookouts. I piloted the boat into the deeps. It was a harrowing time avoiding rocks, capsizing the boat, and trying for a reasonable amount of quiet. We managed two out of three, silence just wasn’t in the cards given the time and tasks at hand. Eventually the rushing water calmed as it emptied into an underground pond of some sort.
We could see where there was a small cave and shoreline opened; nearby to that was a dark passage as well. Some of the companions stayed near the boat venturing forward very slowly. Ourorboros was as bold as you might imagine. I suffer from the fabled curiosity of our kith. Did you know that in some places people place their dead in wooden boxes called coffins? It seems like a strange custom. A stone sarcophagus, wrapped in sail cloth, even a bare tomb carved out of rock, but never would have imagined a plank box. We did see a man who looked rail thin, gaunt, and paler than any being on this side of death’s door I’ve ever seen. His name was Philion. He was a helot gone missing explained Ouroboros. Philion was greatly worried that his captors would return, he indicated they were afraid of the water and had recently left. Just as we got Philion on his feet and prepared to shuffle him out toward our boat, a massive deluge of water fell in the adjoining chamber where the coffin was located.
Moments later, something else fell from the ceiling. This time however, it was young men and women. They were all a type: lithe, pale, fast, strong, and having some sort of ethereal beauty about them. From the cries echoing off the walls there was more than the couple near Philion, Ouroboros and myself. They all reached out with long fingers, tipped with nails more like talons. They grasped onto Ouroboros and myself. I hoped based on Philion’s comment about the water, it might be of help. I pulled some of the recent cascade of water up and into a writhing coil around Oroborus, lashing past the creature grasping him. It reacted not like one afraid, but like one burnt by acid the way it carried on. Good to know. The creature grasping me said to its companion something about informing the princess. Also good to know. I looked at the one holding me and winked. It isn’t easy to hold one of us, let alone a scion of Hermes. I vanished with some misty vapor, appeared some distance away and then was shunted to the left as I appeared. Nearly stumbling I retain my balance, thanks to your good grace. It seemed that the little watery trick and taunting didn’t sit well with these as they moved to follow up once more. This time in addition to grasping hand, their jaws distended and revealed curved fangs as they bit down. I cannot describe well how it felt. There was a moment of pain, but that quickly faded to the same warm lethargy you feel in a patch of sunlight or the gentle warmth you feel after a couple of drinks. The predator’s brain screaming all the while. From my new vantage point, I could see the others engaged with some of these same creatures. I cut at one wounding it badly before moving from within its grasp again.
Just as I was looking about to plan my next move, there was a rain of fine dust from overhead, in moments the very light of Apollo blasted down through cracks in the earth, blinding in this gloom-soaked space. What ever these things were, they loved light even less than they loved flowing water. The light was searing, paining even my accustomed senses. I can’t imagine the cost to these creatures. Well truth told I didn’t have to imagine. I could see their flesh blister almost instantly. It seemed to burn and flake to dust, several falling to heaps of ash and cinder as I watched. Then as my eyes were adjusting to the brilliance, I heard a calamitous stroke and looked to see Ouroboros connect with the chest of one of these creatures. It flew like a boulder from a catapult. I can’t imagine the resiliency of the creature so hit; to be hit such that they flew forty or fifty feet though the air and collide with a stone wall with enough force to leave an impression in the living rock; and still it moved. I dashed out of the light striking out at a creature as I went, wounding it deeply. The creature Ouroboros had flung screamed and dashed for the darkness of an adjacent space, disappearing from my sight. A moment later the searing light seemed to drift as if to follow it; it must have the searing howl of pain was by now all too familiar. In the same heart beat the nearest creature was beset with by the forge spirits I’ve seen surround Nicolos before tear into it, shredding it to a cascade of dust and cinder.
I saw two of the creature’s streak into that adjoining passage, followed closely by Silenos’s companion. Where to head next decided in that moment. Silenos apparently was shooting and falling back in good measure while his companion harassed them as it could. Both lady Thalia and Alex were ahead of me in the passage with bright steaks of light leaping from their hands streaking out of view. When I round the corner, I can see the remaining pair have trapped Silenos, just as a roaring Ouroboros charges in from nearby knocking one to its knees, as a bolt of golden light from Thalia lays it low. The last didn’t fare well now that it was surrounded by Nicolos and his spirit cadre, Oroborus and Silenos. As it slid into ash the space became deathly quiet. Myself, I put my back to the wall and sank tiredly onto my haunches. It is in this moment of respite I write, so that you know all that has transpired. Please know that I’m well enough despite the tussle and only a bit worse for wear. Nothing a few days in the sunshine and sea air won’t cure. I love you and miss you.
With all due care,
Giants in the Arena
Most honored matriarch,
I write again after quite a harrowing day here in the city state of Sparta. As you know we waited with bated breath for the contest of Ouroboros. He did not disappoint. His opponent was a massive Spartan in gladiator panoply with a bestial motif. I think Ouroboros toyed with the man for a while early on, feinting attacks that just missed with his spear, only to eventually hurl that spear by his opponent to land in the sands of the hippodrome. Around and around, they fought, at one point the cast aside spear rolled as if possessed, slowly toward the Spartan champion. One of the king’s men rushed onto the field and plucked the writhing thing from the sand and whisked it away. Eventually Ouroboros tired of sporting with the Spartan moving in for the end game. With mighty blows of fist, knee, elbow, and foot he lashed out at the Spartan driving him to the sands as he masterfully captured and held onto the prized spear arm, preventing him from escaping.
The crowd went wild, chanting both for Ouroboros and eventually a resounding call for life indicating the people’s will that the gladiator live. The younger king stepped forward on the reviewing stand, looked down to Ouroboros. The young king did something unexpected and gave a thumbs down, indicating that Ouroboros should execute the gladiator. My noble companion stood there silently for several moments before he moved to his conquered foe, lifting him to his shoulder. He flipped the man’s shield with his massive foot and laid him gently upon it. Ouroboros shared words briefly with the king, but with the noise of the crowd I fear I don’t know what was said. What ever it was however, it clearly didn’t please the king. Several of his guards moved onto the sand surrounding Ouroboros, and eventually the king came to the sand himself. Again, words were spoken, but it was far to quiet a conversation to make out well. Just as I was moving amongst the spectators to be more proximate to the field, a cloaked figure dropped from the stands. The Amazon Niobe shrugged off her concealing cloak and called the young king to task. Shimmering behind her was the figure of the god of war Ares, while the hulking form of the hero Hercules shimmered behind the young king. Both aspects blessed their champions and the king and Niobe fought.
It was an electric contest, Niobe was fierce, graceful, and cat quick. The king was slower, but each blow was that of an ox, mighty and without remorse. They fought for some time, going round and round for some minutes. I wasn’t clear who had the upper hand, but none of us would find out. It wasn’t many minutes into this contest when a voice from outside the Hippodrome sounded. It reverberated such that the very stones underfoot shook. Looking west from Sparta seeming to rise from the very mountain depths to the sky was a Titan Uranus. He called with a snarling howl for the capitulation of Sparta. He promised power with the fall of the gods. The Spartans within the hippodrome took up the chant that both the king’s started. The chant of ‘Hoo-ah’ and the pounding of spear butts against the ground or beating against shield rang out and spread over the whole of Sparta. In minutes the din of Spartans rivaled the voice of Uranus and spoke as clearly of their unwillingness to take a knee. Uranus dragged a godly knife along his arm and flung blood across the land. Where that blood fell, gigantic creatures of stone like flesh rose. These giants must have been twenty-five or thirty feet in height. The kings and most of the Spartans dashed out to meet the foes as the helots fled. My companions and Niobe were all that remained as three such drops of blood landed on the sands of the hippodrome.
What followed was a most harrowing confrontation. I sped down to the sand to stand back-to-back with Niobe, hoping that we could cat and mouse one of the behemoths. Ouroboros emerged from the annex with the most finely crafted gauntlets I’ve ever seen. He seemed to swell in potency as he finished setting his hands in place. I no not what became of the ladies Alexandra and Thalia in those most immediate moments, nor our newest companion Silenos. Nicolos made his way to the edge of the stands and looked like he was going to vault to the sands any moment. With howls of rage the giants started in earnest. A massive fist easily the size of a giant’s torso apparated from thin air and landed a crippling blow to one of the giants. Arcane energies played along the edges of the construct, making me think it was likely the work of lady Alexandra. Lady Thalia lept into the very air, spreading the most amazing, feathered wings I’ve ever seen. They radiated like the dawn itself. She sped to near Ouroboros, and I lost sight of her there. Surely as I’d expected with a mighty leap Nicolos landed on the sands and called forth a mass of flying cyclopes, each wielding miniature forge hammers which danced about the recently punched giant. With silent communication Niobe and I both broke toward the giant engaged with Ouroboros, trying to gain some parity on the field as quickly as possible. Each giant struck like falling doom, leaving terrible wounds on my companions when they met flesh. The combined might of Thalia, Ourorboros, Niobe and myself nearly laid one of the monster’s low. Arrows sped from king’s viewing stand as Silenos struck the third giant stinging wounds.
Lady Thalia cast the same spell of stealth she used on the ship when we met with the sharkmen. This time it encompassed both her and myself. Silenos’s companion dove out of the sky attempting to rend the fist engaged giant, while arrows flew against the other as before. The giant absently swatted backward narrowly missing the bird but not before I seized on that opportunity to strike at the same spot, making it seem as if the bird were more formidable than it would appear. After turning to look up at the bird, the giant reached out and snatched up Nicolos and threw him like a child’s toy to his companion the giant Silenos was pecking at with arrows. It seems the cloud of cyclopes followed with Nicolos much to the chagrin of the beast in question. No sooner did the throwing giant, return his attentions to the giant fist before him, that same fist landed a telling blow to the giant’s nose, mashing it flat and caused the giant’s eyes to roll up into his head and it collapsed like a felled tree in the forest.
Not moments later a second giant joined the sands as Ouroboros slew his, and I saw him take several running strides and cast what looked like a javelin at the giant now holding Nicolos. That javelin flew for a moment before it twisted and elongated into a stroke of lightning thick as a man’s thigh, striking the giant soundly. As we all whirled on the remaining giant, from the stands a small red bead flew and blossomed into a blazing sphere as hot as a forge badly burning the remaining giant. As it was taking a moment to orient itself after the blast, the cohort of forge spirits went mad striking the giant in so many places at once. They were truly a sight. The giant sank first to his knees, then reached out a hand and then collapsed to the sand, finished. In the quiet moments after, we could hear the Spartans were in battles all over against the other giants. The couple of battles we could barely make out, seemed to be going against the giants. They hadn’t understood the practiced might of the Spartan military. While each giant could deal impressive blows, the Spartan formations would flow around the giant’s reach and strike hard against them. Soon the giants failed against the Spartans, but not without cost.
Knowing we would not have long, I turned to see how Niobe was faring to see Lady Thalia tending her wounds as they conversed. I suggested that time grew short, Niobe too understood the need to go. She felt obligated yet, so I suggested she could join us on our ship. She redonned her cloak and left the hippodrome before the return of the Spartans. Lucky too, as about a quarter of an hour later the Spartan king did return. My companions had made poses over the fallen giants anticipating the return of the kings. The elder king spoke to Ouroboros and the gathered Spartans. He noted Ouroboros’s valor and strength. He notes his prowess in combat, but he could not make Ouroboros a Spartan citizen over the willingness to defy the younger king over the gladiator. He instead set Ouroboros free and said he clearly had more to do in the wider world. He would be welcomed back to Sparta. With that the Spartans again let out that rousing call and clashed their spears and shield, mixed with Ouroboros’s name. It was truly a day for the poet’s mother mine. I love and miss you.
Your adoring son,
The Spartan Games
Most honored matriarch,
I have a few moments to write before the events of the day continue. I am still in Sparta and am waiting on my companion Ouroboros to have his champion’s bout at the end of the Spartan games. It has been an interesting day. I should however start by telling you of the evening before. I stole out in the late hours and by talent and guile made my way into the Desmeth the Oaf’s villa. Finding his room was easy enough. I sectioned some parts of his personal outer garb and then made my way to the villa of the younger king Eudamidas. I left a small piece in the soil near the window that allowed my new companion Silenos entrance. I also made my way to the public chains where the Amazon Niobe was so recently escaped. I’m hopeful that these small things will serve to embarrass the oaf and perhaps mark him as someone to speak to about the burglary of the king’s abode. After I was able to sleep very contentedly, one does not abuse my crew and not meet with repercussions.
The following morning, we met at breakfast before the start of the Spartan games. Many discussions took place. Silenos spoke briefly with Lady Alexandra, while I’m not sure what they spoke of, it left her disturbed. Her eyes darted about the room repeatedly and she clutched her staff a little tighter as well. The lady Thalia is having a degree of misgiving about her labor. I endeavored to help her feel less bad, noting that often the wake of actions impacts far away from the ship. I’m not sure how much it helped. Of course, we also discussed the forth coming games. Lady Alexandra helped Nicolos emblaze upon his flesh a large blue O and across his broad shoulders the name Ouroboros. I suggested that the O should be the eponymous tail eating ouroboros. It seems that the games are open to all the citizens and visitors; this was very interesting. The hour to gather at the hippodrome. When we arrived, several events were on the lists for the day: foot races, long jumps, javelin throwing, discus throwing, a chariot race, and the capstone for the day the bout of Ouroboros. I decided to enter the foot race, I can’t help myself. Silenos entered every event except the foot race. Nicolos entered the discus and the chariot race. While chatting with the man taking names for the contests, I learned that Desmeth was supposed to race chariots on the day, but the law keepers had withdrawn him from the competition. A very interesting turn of events.
As the least of the events, the foot race was first. We gathered on the field and as Spartan kings sat to watch a gong rang and the racers started. The field in whole were not bad runners. I was able to take their measure for a few laps, but then it occurred to me I should strive to bring the effort to abeyance. In keeping with the gifts of yours and of fathers, I bound ahead and finished the race with a flourish, taking pride of victory. It was most satisfying. The long jump event was next. Silenos made an impressive jump but was ultimately undone by one of the Spartans. He also showed well in the javelin throw but was also undone. The discus event was next and saw Silenos throw mightily and took the victory. Nicolos didn’t fare as well but made a good show. Next up was the chariot race. Silenos spent a couple moments petting and talking with his team, then he stepped into the vehicle. I was more worried when Nicolos stepped into his and the wheels seemed to sink low to the ground. Soon the starting gong was struck, and the racers were in motion. Silenos and a Spartan were neck and neck, leaving the other behind. Poor Nicolos was in the last rank. As the leaders approached to lap around Nicolos, he let out an impressive bellow. The Spartan’s team spooked slightly and gave advantage to Silenos, who took the race by a nose. There was much lauding of the winner who in turn shared the lauds with Nicolos. I wandered through some of the Spartan crowds muttering about how they were lucky that Desmeth wasn’t on the field today. Several of the crowd did seem to wonder where he was. I must be honest I see why your little name’s sake enjoys playing with the mice she catches. Again, one does not beat one of my crew.
As I write this, they have announced the pinnacle event for the day, I’ll be interested to see how Ouroboros fares. I’ll let you know the outcome when next I write, until then I remain your loving son…
A helot once more
Dearest and most revered mother,
I hope this latest missive finds you well. Things here in Sparta have been interesting and entertaining. As I wrote in my last letter, my newest companion Silencos and I engaged in some clandestine investigation of King Eudamidas the younger. As mentioned, we came away with a few critical elements specifically some texts for Lady Alex and the blade belonging to the amazon Niobe. We met up at our rendezvous and exchanged some interesting information. It seems that Silencos has some relationship with Artemis, and she placed him on a path. Not unlike what father has done for me. It seems he must stop some rampaging giants in the mountains. I feel it is only right to help him, as he has helped me. As you taught, one does not bite the hand that provides the cream. We also swapped swords, the king’s infantry blade in exchange for the amazon’s. We then parted ways.
I made my way to where Niobe was bound. Thanks to your blessing of nimble fingers, I was able to shed her of her bonds and return to the sword at the center of the task presented by father. Niobe was very thankful and made her escape with the promise to return in time to settle our personal debt. I wish her the very best, she seemed quite formidable. I don’t know what brought her into conflict with the younger king, but I feel her fierce resolve bodes ill for him. Not long after several people came from the forums buildings and startled at Niobe’s escape. Guards were summoned, alarms rang, but even over the course of the following day no news of her re-capture has been heard of.
Our companion Ouroboros who was on trial of some sort, was released successfully. He has been returned to his status as a Helot. I’m not sure I find that an improvement, but it is what he wanted for his own labor. We in small groups returned to the Leche Palace for an evening repass and sleep. The following morning, we met briefly with ladies Thalia and Alex along with the other companions. I turned over the texts to her that she’s asked about. Hopefully those will provide her information about her endeavors here in Sparta. Thalia spent some time with the younger king, explored the villa and provided some details about some of the areas that weren’t well examined the night before. We also worked out a plan to have some evening discussions as she feels keeping some distance between herself, Ouroboros and myself wise. I can’t find fault with that, both of us stand out and could end up drawing much attention. Speaking of Ouroboros he rushed out to attend to his work, whatever that was going to be.
Shortly after your name’s sake went for a wander in a very uncharacteristic manner. I followed her discretely and found our way to the empty amphitheater. There father made a brief appearance. He was happy with his task being completed with such speed. He mentioned that eventually I’d be gifted with an invitation to visit that sacred mountain of the Greeks. It will be quite an honor, but so far away from the sea which I know. As you say, new experiences are what life is about. He also gifted me with some boots in his idiom. They have remarkable tiny wings at the ankle which flap slowly. It gifts me with some limited ability to fly. This will be very handy in the mountains I figure as I help Silencos and Nicolos with their tasks.
After our trip to the theater, I spent the bulk of the day wandering listening for rumors or tales of the recapture of Niobe. As I mentioned, there was no sign of her. A good many people talked about what they would do if they found her. The level of animosity is significant, almost as if she had cheapened their manhood’s or honor. While she was fierce and very imposing, I’m not sure how she engendered such bile. However, those stories paled by mid-afternoon. It seemed Ouroboros was gifted a significant beating by some of his old tormentors amongst the Spartan citizenries. As rumor has it he was very stalwart and took the blows even returning to his feat in silent resolve, while his tormentors ranted and raved like lunatics. One does not do that to a member of my crew. This news makes me teeth and claws itch, I must admit. Listening to several of the stories, it becomes clear that Desmeth of Sparta is the leader of this cabal of thugs. It didn’t take over long for me to locate him and his companions deep into cups, ranting, raving and intimidating the locals at a place called the Persian Gardens. I stepped in long enough to get a good look at them and backed my way out. As you might have guessed I stalked this Desmeth and followed him back to where he sleeps. It seems his behavior wasn’t too welcome amongst the elders of Sparta as one escorted him home and was clearly angry. I’ve headed your wisdom mother and banked that ember until I can speak with Ouroboros, but some degree of recompense is required.
I closed a very long day with a brief conversation with the lady Thalia. She is the guest of the younger king still, so I knew what window to approach easily enough. We discussed how she is getting along and what some possible steps forward are. It seems that the younger king might not be all that bad, which was giving her concerns with her task. I know not about the man or his character, I only know that the gods or fates want to play a direct role in someone’s life then they have earned that. It might be boon or weal, and it likely isn’t as simple as it appears. Her task is not an easy one, though she did seem to brighten when I pointed out that perhaps Niobe would appear and stab him though the heart. While bloodthirsty, it would be a broken heart. Sometimes a change in perspective is what is needed to see alternative solutions to a problem. One of the many lessons I am thankful to both you and father for. I will write more after the upcoming Spartan games. They should be interesting…
Your loving son,
A thief in the night
The King’s Crib Job
Splendid evening most revered mother,
It has been another eventful day here in Sparta. Following the revelation that my companion Ouroboros was taken by the law keepers, I found myself stalking the Forum precinct of Sparta. There is a central building that looks like it might be used for short term jailing of those bound by law. While I was pondering my next steps, a strange man-animal peeked out of a bush to say hello. He’s looks very much like the Greek god Pan, except he has painted his hooves a gold color. He asked questions about what I was up to and claimed he had a ‘feeling’ he needed to be here. I suspect Lady Alex might want to meet him. We went into the forum building where I was able to speak briefly with Ouroboros via clandestine message. He was fine so far as that goes and indicated he was willing to face the trial.
I took both this message and my new friend who is called Silenos, back to the Leche Palace to meet the other companions. On the way I make a brief stop by the captured amazon, Niobe, delivering much needed water. We discussed briefly Ouroboros’s wishes, and I got to meet Kiros an old friend of Ouroboros. It seems as fates would have it, he was directly responsible for our friend the Amazon’s capture. She apparently was here to deal with the younger king, was stopped by Kiros who cracked a wine amphora over her head. The younger king was very impressed and elevated Kiros from helot to Spartan. Kiros seemed to have had enough lauds over this and wished to speak of it no more.
It seemed like we would move forward with our plan concerning some impersonation work by Lady Thalia via introduction by Leonis to the younger king. There was some special dressing and preparations before those two went off. Nicolos was spending time finding out more about the mountain peoples and the skyborn metal he’s here to seek. At time for the trial approached, Silenos suggested that if the younger king was otherwise occupied, it might make a good time to peek see around his home. It seemed like a good opportunity to have a peek see. Lady Alex said she would go to the Forums to see Ouroboros’s trial. I’m assuming Lady Thalia will be there as well; I’ve not seen her since she and Leonis left to get her a special dress and to introduce her to the king.
I’m not sure how the trial at the forums went, I’m sure I’ll be able to update you in my next letter. Our visit to the king’s villa however was very productive. I helped Silenos move about unseen, and we took divergent paths into the estate. He came in via a window into the guest room that we had previously scouted. I clambered onto the roof to head for the central courtyard. We dodged a few of the house helots and guards, moving into the back rooms of the villa. The first place we found was an office of some sort. I gave it a search, as Lady Alex mentioned she was looking for notes, scrolls, or journals relating to Alexander or the younger king’s father Aegis the third. While I fussed over the small library of scrolls, Silenos went next door. Not knowing what else he found there, he certainly did find the unique double ended sword that belongs to Niobe. After several minutes he returned, and we moved quietly back out of the same window he entered. However, I couldn’t help myself and nicked the infantry blade belonging to the younger king. It might make a nice surprise gift for Niobe, a plant to incriminate someone if we need cover to escape, or a fantastic keepsake. I also picked up a few scrolls that look like they might be something Alex is hunting for. Caught up with Silenos after the heist, he seemed very pensive. Perhaps he doesn’t indulge his curiosity as often as some of us do. I’ll be sure to write more later once I can catch up with the other companions.
An Amazon in chains
An Amazon in Chains
Warmest of wishes oh mother of mine,
I have arrived in the environs of Sparta. I’m not overly fond of the place. As a sailor, I’ve often seen the travails of the slaves forced to the oars of some ships. Spartans keep Helots, it is a slave caste, as in many places some are treated well, others are merely chattel. I understand the constraints of duty, the necessity of responsibility, but ownership of another person seems like the antithesis of good government. I recognize that I may well be biased, for many would view me as ‘other’ and may harbor notions that I’m less thinking, feeling, and worthy of respect than those like themselves. Yet another reason I’m heartened to be graced with the gift of wit and claws your lineage has provided.
We have settled into a quite comfortable placed called the Leche Palace. It isn’t so much a palace as it is a very nice, and sizable estate house. Given what I know of father’s sense of urgency, I’ve wasted little time in searching for the amazon he’s sent me to release. On my survey near the city forums, I saw a woman warrior of some stature chained to posts and being publicly beaten and toyed with. Given her countenance I can have little doubt she is indeed the woman to be freed. I spoke with her briefly at a distance as I have learned to do, and it proved an interesting conversation.
She has been here (chained to the posts) for several days. She remains defiant and will not leave without her sword. It is my guess that her people value swords the way these Spartan’s value their shields. She thinks the younger king of Sparta, Idometus, may have it. I didn’t inquire as to why she is here; I can only guess it was fractious and a result of some pre-exiting conflict. I left shortly there after before I drew undo attention for loitering.
I spoke briefly with some locals and inquired after the residence of Idometus. With some luck, I managed to get one of them gabbing like a fishmonger’s wife. He was very proud of his young king and their defeat of the treacherous amazon. It seemed that my early guess was correct, though I get the impression that there is a good amount of boasting involved in the ‘defeat’ and it was either not clear cut or something dishonorable happened. Idometus lives in a charming villa not far from the hippodrome of Sparta. Your little name’s sake and I gave the place a look over and we spotted several interesting features, but sadly no sword on evidence. We may well have to take a more clandestine approach. With that information in tow, it was back to the “Palace” for dinner and sharing of information.
It seems my companions all have trials set by their various parents. There are always chores are there not, mother mine? Nicolos is seeking some rare skyborn metal fallen into the mountains. The giant Oroborous, is originally from Sparta he escaped as a Helot. He’s tasked with winning the respect of Spartans. No small feat based on how some seem to think of these Helots. Alex is seeking something arcane and thinks its possible the younger king might know something of it. Lady Thalia has been tasked with breaking the young king’s heart. That seems like a challenge, but I know nothing of Idominus, perhaps his is easily broken. We shared many thoughts on how best to proceed. Simple and complicated endeavors flowed like wine around the table until we retired. Just before I went up to our rooms a young runner of some sort came with a large bundle. He spoke briefly with lady Thalia. I try and not to actively over hear, but as you know and taught me, sometimes we can’t help our curious natures. It seems Oroborous has been bound for some sort of trial and the bundle was his pile of belongings.
I know not what the next few days will bring, but it certainly seems as if it will be anything but dull. I love you and will endeavor to be safe. I will write again soon, until then I remain your humble and dedicated son…
Onward to Sparta
Onward to Sparta
Greetings most revered matriarch, the one to whom I owe all that I am.
We finished up trading with the Smithsong clan. They were truly an impressive bunch. They had a shipwright on board, and we were able to purchase some hull reinforcements for this new vessel I find myself on. They were able to do it at anchor, it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. What is more impressive is despite the added timber and iron plates, the ship pilots wonderfully. The day after we unmoored with the Smithsongs, I put her through her paces, and she behaved wonderfully. I’ll have to see about trying to acquire some coin. The wright had some enchanted sails that were always full irrespective of the wind’s direction. That would be a huge boon. It was very expensive, as much as a new vessel itself. I might have some opportunities in the future that might afford that sort of recompense perhaps. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about sending you some of the largess either my mother, it shall be done.
The large taciturn Ouroboros came aboard with two arm full of gear from the smiths on board: given his arms that’s a lot. He clearly has stumbled onto to some coin, which speaks well of future opportunities with these new companions. I think this mountain of a man must have a close relationship with the noble Thalia. While I was testing the ship out, they spent a long time in quiet conversation up on deck. After which, Thalia suggested a companion’s dinner before we arrived at the port for Sparta. It was a good meal so far as conversation was concerned, the food was passable. We need to invest in a ship’s cook for the mess.
Ouroboros’s story is interesting, what’s been told of it. He apparently was from Sparta but left as a young age. He eventually ended up in some mad king’s frozen realm of ice and snow. He also apparently spent some time aboard ship, but not in a good way. I suspect given his size; he was chained to an oar for some time. Appalling and nasty business that, and it sets my teeth on edge, it’s not right, but it happens. That’s another reason I really want those enchanted sails. He had some questions for me, about dad, you, and what I could do. I gave a brief demonstration which seemed to satisfy him. They wondered if you had litters of children like the temple cats. I told them, just one at a time like normal folks. I told them I was trouble enough without having 4 or 5 siblings to contend with as well.
Shortly after dinner, we all turned in, knowing the following day would be busy. In the middle of the night, I was startled by yelling, thumping and general mayhem coming from lady Alex’s berth next to mine. The door was locked, but it was banging around so much I couldn’t get it open. Fortunately, Nicolos’s boot worked quite well. Inside we found Alex ranting and raving, her room was filled with a pungent smoke and oily vapor of some sort. I ran to let lady Thalia know; while Nicolos tended to and tried to calm Alex. He eventually got her up to the deck for clear air.
Thalia and Nicolos spent quite some time kneeling and tending to Alex who eventually came around. It seems she and the oracle of Delphi had swapped spirits for a time, with Alex inhabiting the oracles body and vice versa. There are some bad folks holding that poor young woman in a cage. These dark hued elves are in league with the titans and some goddess of spiders. I really didn’t follow much of that, but I could follow a young woman being kept in a cage against her will, stolen from her people, all for the information she possessed. Much like the rowers chained to the oars, its not acceptable.
Nicolos, Thalia, and Alex talked to each other for a long while, I offered what I could as is right. Mid-morning, we arrived at the port for Sparta. The vale stretches inland for a good long way. We were looking at the options to travel up the valley; boat, chariot, etc. Alex and Thalia are approached by a friend of their brothers, Palamos. He gave us a ride up the valley. We arrived and got some rooms at a hostile from the owner Philon. After we get settled, I think I’ll go out to see if I can find where they keep their prisoners. I’ll write again soon, I love you.